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Best Teaser Teams and Best Teaser Totals?

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  • Best Teaser Teams and Best Teaser Totals?

    Who are the best Teaser Teams in the recent years? That is teams that either cover or at least almost always are within 6.5 points of the spread if they don't cover? The Coach may have a lot to do with Teams that always show up and at least stay close if they don't cover. And there might be teams that are bad Teasers in that they don't cover and often don't cover even with an extra 6.5.

    And I wonder if there are stats on what are the best Teaser Totals? That is what numbers usually stay within 6.5 points either way. There must be some numbers that perform better than others. Like, maybe teasing 37 down or 47 up is a high % play. But maybe past results are no guarantee of future results.

    I will try to research these two % plays. If anyone already knows or can point me to the best stat sites to research such trends, please let me know.
