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Jay Cohen Appeal...Serious Implications

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  • Jay Cohen Appeal...Serious Implications

    Jay Cohen Appeal...Serious Implications

    Last couple of days for some reason I have become more steamed about this subject or should I call it farce. I decided to make a more determined effort to understand exactly why there was a conviction and what for, in the first place. From just a few things learned in this search, I am more angered and disappointed than probably even JC is currently.

    Among the irritations, and without knowing the legal ambiguity, it appears that:
    THE CRIME is basically using phone or other net lines within the US to COMMUNICATE BET INFO OR ACTION A BET. OK that seems quite clear if one is nitpicking, the crime is in Idaho, and the criminal is in Idaho, if I were in Idaho making a bet.
    Not sure if a tech witness, prosecutors and judge forced a concept of the bet taking book (JC) is technically in Idaho while bet is being accepted. Not likely since even the prosecutors elsewhere, I believe, for their benefit argued people in their US homes cannot actually be in the country they are virtual visiting on computer. So...everything seems clear...The legal transaction took place in Antigua nowhere else. Surely they are not saying that he has committed the crime in a country where it is legal (as though he was still on US soil).
    In that case a New Yorker could not gamble in Nevada and all sorts of other laws differing by state. Occassionaly, President Clinton perhaps home alone and bored in NY, would have to be promptly arrested if he returned from say... Holland having legally smoked some US defined illegal substance, maybe he even had it specially dipped and coated among other illegal activities, here that is...

    The even greater injustice seems to be, a courtroom observer friendly and known to JC believes the judge actually afforded JC's lawyer unusual and generous latitude as a bonus and perhaps helpful for an appeal, yet rigid throughout in his seemingly predetermined and prejudiced position. The observers opinion may not be correct but if it is, that is even worse than ordinary biased judge. Think about it... one interpretation could be that he had some form of instruction or intimidation to force a guilty verdict from the start of the trial!
    That judge has already SERIOUSLY AFFECTED LIVES of many people other than JC, and
    that is just the beginning.

    I could easily go on but if I do I will never get this posted so...(below was done prior)

    Oddly, on quick net meta searches returning several major search engines, other than gaming sites articles, and DOJ press releases, little is found about this very important trial (Jay Cohen conviction and sentence). Although there must be some, there were no link returns to credible newspapers on those searches. This is not comforting because it shows little awareness or interest except within gaming, government and legal communities.

    Seems obvious that strongly motivated government desires may unfairly prevail (as already happened in the first trial), if they perceive little interest or opposition with what the Cohen trial represents. There are other gambling issues on the government table, also with a wider, but less passionate audience that may not care or realize NOW what they will lose in future legislation. But all of these issues are cemented together such that the Cohen outcome is probably VERY important to government and really, everyone else as well, thereby raising the very real possibility of tainted APPEAL TRIALS which will clear the way for broad and imposing changes.

    The assumption that Jay Cohen deserves to, and should easily win in appeals seems reasonable in the gaming community and perhaps even the legal community, PRIOR to the actual appeal case, BUT that could easily culminate in surprises exactly like the original case because of OUTSIDE influences.

    It should be ASSUMED that there ARE powerful business and/or government PRESSURES, subtly or blatantly filtering down to even the future APPEALS JUDGES and PROSECUTORS, as undoubtedly occurred in the first New York trial.

    It appears there should be an ongoing effort to spread awareness, message congress people etc, about the various internet gambling gambits government keeps pushing.
    Among Bettorsworld visitors there are probably many respected, wealthy, and connected people in positions capable of influencing with little effort, MANY others, all the way up to large lobby groups through their affiliations.
    The ordinary individual can send letters to acquaintances asking to pass to 2 others like pyramid chain letters, and of course congress people when applicable.

    One partially true simplification of upcoming internet and other gambling legislation, is that it would appear government would like to "protect" their taxpayers from the illegal practice of winning $100 for a $110 OFFSHORE bet, while "suckering" the same taxpayer to legally win $40 for a $110 STATESIDE bet (obviously most of all government gambling lottos and other).

    As this posting is already far too lengthy, another thread "JC Reference & Links" has some links and source excerpts for anyone interested.


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