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NY Judge Who Declares Online Gambling Illegal Has History of Misinterpretting Laws

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  • NY Judge Who Declares Online Gambling Illegal Has History of Misinterpretting Laws

    Back in August, everyone was panicking over this judge in NY who declared internet gambling illegal even though there is no such law....well, this judge is no stranger to controversy. Just some more hypocricy to add to the table.

  • #2
    I am a Bookmaker from NY who has been arrested and run through the system several times, so I know a little bit about the gambling laws in NY even though I am not a Lawyer. From what I have been told by several lawyers in NY it is not illegal to make a bet in NY it is illegal to take a bet. If the bet amount is under $5000 it is a misdemeanor, but if it exceeds $5000 it is a felony. Like I said I am not a lawyer, but this is what I have been told. The laws they use against Bookmakers in NY is Promoting Galbling which is the act of taking the bets and possession of gambling records, which is self explanetory. Please any NY lawyers out there give us some info here on this

    Leo Walters


    • #3
      Thanks for the info Leo. The statute is rather strongly worded that states accepting wagers in the state of NY is ILLEGAL. Was not aware of the types of punishment involved. Those who place a wager in the state are doing nothing wrong (i.e. ME). Yet is it not amazing that OTB will take bets from those outside the state of New York? Ramos in his statements claims that internet gambling in New York is NOT legal when in fact there is no such law on the books related to the Net and again, placing a wager in New York as well as New Jersey is not illegal.


      • #4
        Here is something to make you shake your head at. The way The Kyl Bill that seems like will never pass is worded, If it ever does pass it will make the NY OTB telephone wagering Illegal. So in actuality the NY polititions are fighting against the Kyl bill as it is written. Like I said in my earlier post I am not a lawyer so I can't really explain it exactly. I hope some lawyers who visit this site can give us some insite on how the laws are written on the books. I can sure tell you about the gambling laws in NY as I have a few Misdemeanors and was forced to plead guilty to a felony possession of gambling records a few years ago. I think that is the most rediculous thing that I was ever forced into doing. All I was was a bookmaker. I never hurt anybody in my life, I conducted a business as honestly as the shoemaker on the corner, but now I walk the earth a convicted felon. It makes me sick, but this is a new thing that has been happening in NY. The police in all of the jurisdictions are getting tired of arresting the same people over and over again, so when they arrest you they obviously have you on wiretaps taking bets and you are obviously guilty. The law on the books is 1-4 years. They force you to take the felony or threaten to take you to court, find you guilty of a felony and give you time for making them go through all of this. But the real reason is once they give you a Felony, the next time they arrest you they got you by the balls and can do anything they want to you. That is why a majority of the Sports Books now in the Caribbean are run by Bookmakers from NY or Bookmakers from NY and Las Vegas who used to move money on the games together before the police started going after that. These Moron Polititions should just license it and regulate it and tax it. Instead they spend thousands of dollars fighting it. I had one group of detectives following me around for a month. They knew everything I did everywhere I ate and used to bust my balls for keeping them up so late on Mondays when I used to play cards all night. I wonder how many real criminals these detectives could have caught if they spent that time looking for Murderers, Robbers, Rapists, Burgulars. I never hurt anybody in my life, I just"fractured" a few gambling laws


        • #5
          Amen, Leo.

          But....You say you "conducted a business as honestly as the shoemaker on the corner"?

          Come on, I've had the displeasure of dealing with many local bookies in my generally miserable life, and I have yet to deal with one I would classify as "honest". In fact, the one word that always comes to mind starts with "w" and rhymes with "diesel". It's part of the bookie's genetic makeup, I suspect.

          But if you say you were honest, I guess we'll have to take your word for it.

          I think we all can agree on one thing: Thank God for the Internet!


          • #6
            When I was a Bookmaker in NY when you won at the end of the week you got paid, and when you lost you paid me. it is as plain and simple as that. I know in the Bookmaking business as in many others there are dishonest people out there, or as in the bookmaking business people who didn't have enough money behind them to operate their business properly. To be a bookmaker you have to have very deep pockets, but as an old time bookmaker once told me ""Don't get frustrated kid, Have patience, A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains" Well at least it works in the Bookmaking business.


