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Aces Gold/ Sports Market no juice NFL

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  • Aces Gold/ Sports Market no juice NFL

    Every gambling buddy I have has an account now with Aces Gold because of their no-juice Friday NFL.

    Since Aces Gold/Sports Market were already well established, I cannot imagine the HUGE numbers they are taking on the NFL.

    My question is how are they doing?? Carib survived with their 2% Tuesday NFL (but have MUCH lower limits).

  • #2
    This is the best marketing ploy of all time. Think about it.

    We take bet (+6) with no juice. We take bet (-6) with no juice. This is great!!!!!!!!! How much money can we make??????


    Giving away the juice! This is a bookmakers dream! Giving away the juice!

    I know this is a great deal for the bettors, but do you know that these places are just making sacrifices they can't possibly overcome!! They are giving away the most important thing (juice) just to get customers, yet how can they make any money off this?

    A third grader could tell you this is ignorant...............


    • #3
      Polar- the key behind this whole promotion that you either dont understand or ignore is not how much money they will make booking NFL with no juice. The key is that they are attracting new customers that otherwise would not play with them, and attracting the customer is the big thing. I'm sure that they get other plays from these accounts that without the promotion would not exist. Most people do not open an account and bet on friday and do nothing the other 6 days, I believe they get a lot of side action from these players NBA, Hockey , College football and hoops etc.. that other wise would not exist. I'm sure you would know more than I do about players betting patterns when posting up since you are on that side of the counter and I am not, but I believe that most people find ways to bet their money that they often did'nt intend to do. In closing I believe promotions like this are the wave of the future as competition for the players dollars are ever increasing and the options for the player ever increasing. So even if they get destroyed on the no-juice NFL as long as they get side play I think they will come out ahead and will make their customers happy and loyal and probably continue playing with them after the NFL season.


      • #4
        Is it right? Polar.

        Even my cat can tell me that most if not all the bettors (including average joe or so called wiseguys) got their asses kicked in this unbelievable NFL season.

        Who cares about the juice?

        As far as this football season goes, I won't be suprised to see there will be books out there to give you free money to bet on football.

        Polar, want to be the first one?


        • #5

          I know why this is done. You are %100 percent correct, but alot of times people who are betting with other books, books that have treated them well, will play just the promotions (no-juice football) and give the other action to their favorite books. It is a huge risk if they don't get all of their plays. There are alot of players looking just for bonuses and these promotions, there are patterns like these.

          I will always give CRIS most of my action because they take action without crying, something that is hard to find these days. If I played with this place, the only action I would give them is the no-juice football! Nothing else! Do they want this? Are they getting this?

          These are not stores. Put prices on certain products to get them in, then hopefully they buy other things. But even stores don't reduce the prices on their best products. Do they?? Will a store sacrifice their best products with these promotions?

          Answer: They can't, it's not profitable.


          • #6
            I understand the Aces Gold decided to offer this promo because it wanted to attract new customers to its successful casino and horse racing.

            I for I have played alot of college football and now basketball there simply because I opened an account for the no-juice NFL Fridays.

            I personally doubt that they have been hurt this NFL season - I know very few big winners (lots of losers though).

            I wondered if anyone knew someone significant at Aces Gold/Sports market that could comment on if this marketing idea turned out as hoped.


            • #7
              The answer to this no juice is plain and simple. This is not a guess, it is a fact basing it from my old buddies who run a big operation somewhere in U.S. long before the appearance of offshores. Here is how it goes:

              Ex. Denver -6 vs. Green Bay +6

              $100,000 for Denver -6 compared with $20,000 for Green Bay +6. If Green Bay wins they had $80,000 profit if it was the other way around then $80,000 in losses. Now, in my example above with juices. Green Bay wins they had $90,000 profit, if it was the other way around they have $78,000 in losses. The key on bookmaking is that underdogs (from betting public) should win to make money. PLAIN & SIMPLE.

              The only way that bookmakers won't have enough profit if games go down to 50-50 from the way players bet which I would say very seldom. There is always a favored and an underdog (not necessarily from the pointspread, but from someones (gambler) point of view.


              • #8
                I don't see how Aces Gold is giving away anything more than a pro-rated portion of their operating expenses. They may win or lose, depending on how the games fall, but for the purpose of evaluating their marketing ploy, the only thing they're losing is their additional operating costs on Fridays. On the other hand, what they get is significant, in fact the lifeblood of their business -- customers. Not only do I have an account with them that I otherwise would not have, but a) I will most likely still have that account in future years, even after the no-juice promo is discontinued, b) my account at Aces Gold is likely one less account for their competitors, c) they still get any non-Friday-NFL sides action I give them, and d) they get the income on my money (and because I know I'll be playing a lot with them, my deposit is 2-3 times as great as my normal deposit). I don't think it's that horrendous a deal for them.


                • #9
                  Well, they got me to post up. And I found sweet lines, quick pay-outs, good customer service. Now I play with them seven days a week.
                  By the way, it's nice not having to call for a payout. I request it online, and it's processed first thing next morning.


                  • #10
                    AGC --- buy ½ point on or off 3 at -110 on Fridays


                    • #11
                      I thought I read in here once that you can buy up to about 6 points on a football game and pay somewhere around -230 or such. Is this true? Also,if you can do this, can you do it on teasers like at SOS?



                      • #12
                        most books allow a buy of 1 1/2 pts on straights. know of one place that allows buying up to 5 at -210. also most places allow buys of 1 point on teasers laying .10 for each 1/2.


                        • #13

                          SOS lets you but 5 points on a game which can be parlayed. You can also buy points on teasers as well.


                          • #14
                            eagle, which place is that

                            Rawhide, I've got an account with SOS and you can buy up to 5 1/2 points on football, even on teasers. This of course changes the price you pay ( 2 teams is about 11 to 5 to move the line 11 1/2 points -and a bit bigger price for totals) I think this is god damned amazing that you can do this at all. I just dont see anyone else giving you these options. And even though i feel a little square making some of those bets, they are great fun. At the start of football season I got a little bit carried away with them and blew out most of my account on a couple different bets where I lost each by about 2 points, both on the wrong end of about 30 point blowouts. I've since got my account back up a bit and learned my lesson but being able to do stuff like this helps keep me interested.

                            I wish I had tested there payouts after I doubled my money there the first time.

                            Ive seen one other place out their that has some interesting props (wont mention the name) and I would have liked to have hit a few of em this year. Unfortunately it will be a cold day in hell before I pay a hundred dollar initiation fee.

