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Kick the bucket

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  • Kick the bucket

    What would happen to my offshore money if I am no more? I'm thinking about putting my account #'s and passwords in my safety deposit box with my will. Can one of my heirs retreive my funds? Are there any set policies that books already have in place? I never read the fine print until its too late.--------Tom

  • #2
    IB Tom, that is an excellent question. Say a high roller has a few mil ofshore, and meets an untimely end. [Maybe a session with Ama Deborah goes too far or he dies in a train crash in the Swiss Alps] Will his family be able to access his funds by proving their identity and by providing a copy of the death certificate?


    • #3
      My all-time favorite basketball player was LLoyd (World. B.) Free, a high-scoring guard who played with the Clippers and 76ers. World B. Free had two kids: IB and UB).


      • #4

        Maybe thats why I noticed a certain off-shore offering 400% post-up BONUS TO ANY NEW ACCOUNT APPLICANTS THAT CAN PROVE THEIR OVER 75 YEARS OF AGE.



        • #5
          Good question. I'd like to think that any respectable book would take note of this question, and address it formally in their rules of operation.


          • #6
            That is a very good question in deed. At Royal Sports we have a fiduciary resposibility to each of our clients. On more than one occasion this scenario has come to occur. Every time the funds in question were returned to the rightful heir or executor upon presenting proper proof and documentation. We hate to EVER lose a customer. However we are certain that anyone mentioned above would tell their new friends how they were treated like a King at Royal Sports.

