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Offshore Bookies Plead Guilty to U.S. Charges, Will Pay Millions in Taxes -

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  • Offshore Bookies Plead Guilty to U.S. Charges, Will Pay Millions in Taxes -

    The operators of an offshore bookmaking operation pleaded guilty to charges in U.S. District Court in St. Louis last week, according to reports by the Associated Press and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
    Marc Meghrouni, 39, of Balboa, Calif., and Scott D. Shaver, 40, of Garden Grove, Calif., admitted guilt to charges of impairing the work of the Internal Revenue Service and violating the Wire Wager Act. A company they controlled, Hoss Limited Inc., pleaded guilty to money laundering.

    Hoss Limited, which did business as Paradise Casino, will pay $11.4 million in back taxes, interest and penalties, the AP reported.

    U.S. Attorney Audrey Fleissig said Meghrouni and Shaver will forfeit a beachfront condo in Orange County, Calif., valued at more than $1 million; an office building in Irvine, Calif., worth more than $2 million; and a 1995 Lamborghini Diablo, valued at $250,000.

    In addition, when the men are sentenced June 9, they could receive up to five years in jail and fines up to $500,000 each. Hoss Limited could be fined up to $3.5 million.

    The AP story said the case was brought in St. Louis because Hoss Limited laundered money through a St. Louis bank, and because money was transferred through a Western Union office in St. Louis. The company was incorporated in Nevada.

    Officials said Paradise Casino operated a sports book from 1995 until 1998, first from Antigua and later in Atlanta and in The Netherlands. The wagers and information related to the wagers were transmitted through the Internet and toll-free phone numbers, they said.

    The Post-Dispatch quoted authorities as saying the crimes occurred in California, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, the Cayman Islands, Ireland and elsewhere. More prosecutions are expected.

  • #2
    I guess if you're running a sportsbook operation, you should sell all your property in the US and expect not to come home for a while. I think that's much better than losing it all anyway and ending up in prison for up to five years...

    And hey, the Caribbean's a very nice place to move to anyway...


    • #3
      I think the point is the crimes occurred in those states listed meaning they were physically conducting business there. This has little to do with sportsbooks operating strictly offshore. Consider them locals.


      • #4
        I may be mistaken but I believe Marc Meghrouni is a.k.a Jack Price, and the Lamborghini is probably the same one you used to see him leaning up against in his USA Today MNF ads a couple years back.


        • #5

          This book was one of the larger ones the worked out of Antigua, before the industry really blew up there. It wasn't that they booked in the states , it is that they pulled money at the Western Unions in the states........... Send it to Antigua , but doesnt neccessarly mean it actually got there (know where I am coming from). Two very reputable bookmakers that i worked with/for a couple of those years, and they paid out with the best of them.My best goes out to Scott and Mark.............................................. .. Sting this at one time was a very common practice.


          [This message has been edited by bigtimehoops (edited 02-09-2000).]


          • #6
            By the way Mikren was right


            • #7
              and the moral of the story is..."What goes around comes around". Paradise were the jag-offs who consistently ripped off the public with FORTY cent hockey lines and when I complained, told me their "regular players" ONLY had to lay THIRTY cents!!! THIS is why they should be fined..The U.S. government and these guys deserve each other. Now if we could just fine the government...


              • #8
                Like in Jack Price I am standing in front of a Vegas Casino, which was a fake background Jack Price ????



                • #9

                  This is a big blow. And whats going to happen with WALLSTREET. It seems that this casino is operated by the same crew. Now I'm worried. Should I take drastic massures to take my money out of there??? Which Casino can I go who doesn't have these problems.



                  • #10

                    I believe your correct on the same crew running Wall Street, but it is highly unlikely that you would find the same ownership posted by this book(for the obvious reasons).Meaning Wall Street is going to pick up where Paradise leaves off, my experience with these guys is you'll have no problem getting paid as Wall Street needs to be up and running strong as Paradise was for several years. This second book has been in the works for a few years now and believe me when i tell you there is a ton of money behind this lot.


