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Costa Rica Revisited & secrecy

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  • Costa Rica Revisited & secrecy

    Jeff...Why all the intrigue with Carribean Book operators/owners? I can understand why some of the principals would not want certain people to know who or where they are. I would think if someone was known and respected it would bring business his way. If all these guys are as standup as you tout them to be why hide their identies. If a fellow doesnt want his name mentioned by all means we must respect his wishes. UK/AUS/NV owners/operators have no problem with their identies. Neither do the illeagles. What am I missing Jeff? I know its not the Law they are avoiding. There names would be known to any US agency that requested them from the host country. Just curious...Scotty

  • #2
    Ask your boss. I think he'd agree with me....


    • #3
      Scott, isn't it true that the round of arrests that happened a couple of years ago (including Jay Cohen) were for U.S. citizen owners of Carribean books? This may be a good reason to keep it anonymous.


      • #4
        BigMoney... That is just my point. They arent anonymous to the Feds or any Government on the planet. Neither are their employees. They remain anonymous only to the players who trust them with their bankroll...Scotty


        • #5
          You know, I'm beginning to think you're right Scotty. My earlier assumption just doesn't make sense.

          Let's take a new book like Dunes. If they really have the history and good reputation, then they could boost their new customer business quite a bit by advertising it.


          • #6
            I think the US govt doesn't mind the fact that they are there as long as they don't flaunt it. Like Jay and BS from Antigua. They kind of make it like they don't know who the owners are if they don't brashly announce it.

            THE DEVIL


            • #7
              Of course they don't want the "G" to know who they are. In the eyes of the "G" they are the same as drug dealers and pedifiles. Every name mentioned in this forum about the real identity of the actual owners of sportsbooks is false. How would you like to do time for booking a sports bet or even worse, betting on the outcome of a sporting event?

              What is so hard to understand? Does your local BM tell the law enforcement who he is?
              There is a guy in CR who just got out of a Federal holding facility and is without question, the biggest bookmaker in the WORLD. Do you think he would rather go back to jail or remain anonymous? Do you think he cares about the 200 or so people who post or read BW on a daily basis. Evidently not because he went to a 20 cent line for baseball. He still writes more in one day than the others write in a week.

              I know you guys would like to think that the offshore industry revolves around this forun but 99% of the players offshore never heard of BW. That is why when the posters here bash a book for being a slow pay or not paying at all, it doesn't affect the book one iota.

              Do you remember last week when a book was giving away $5000 for naming a sportsbook and less than 80 people responded? If McDonalds gives away fries they have millions showing up for their free fries. Imagine if they were paying $5000 for the person who names their new sandwich.

              Do you guys expect the owner or "partner" of the local office to announce, "Hello world this is Joe Blow, you know me, I had the big office in NY, and now I am offshore. Here is my # and you know I pay. GET REAL!!!

              Why do bookmakers want to remain anonymous?


              [This message has been edited by bsky2 (edited 04-11-2000).]


              • #8
                Point well taken, however your examples fall short.
                If the biggest BM wanted anonymity, why would he go on national tv and flaunt his trade? That exposure earned him more credibilty and business than anyone could imagine.
                You stated "when posters bash a book for slow pay or no pay it doesnt affect the book one iota". Come on BSKY2,this forum has some heavy hitters with strong networks!The word would get out like the plague. Forums like this one try to keep the guys holding our cash in line. The poor schmuck RedRock Kansas with a small post up would never know.
                5K to name a sportsbook? Most guys on this side cant be bothered with lotteries and drawings. Granted, nothing wrong with a free shot take it. Thats not my game.
                As far as the government is concerned--you r on the mark.


                • #9
                  bsky2...The "G" already knows every one of them and everything about them. Also when you bet with your "guy" you also know who he is and so does the "G". The only people who dont know who is holding their BR in the Carribean is the player. I'm not isolating BW in my post. Like you said it doesnt even regester in the big picture. At no time, anywhere, do the Carribean BM's take their masks off in front of their customers...Scotty


                  • #10

                    If the "G" wanted to know, they defintely have the capability and the resources of finding out. I just think that the "G" would have indicted a lot more BMs (the March 98 indictments of Jay Cohen and others) if they knew everyones true identity.

                    Why would they stop at 21 or so? Why haven't they indicted more? If the "G" decides to attack this or any industry we know what they are capable of doing. They usually go after a few leaders of an industry, then attack if the others don't get the message. It's been over 2 years and no more indictments.

                    What do you think?


                    • #11
                      Well lets see here-----Once you dial "1", the govt. knows who you are. When someone answers they can figure out who they are. OK player and BM "ID"ed. Common denominator stops when player has no clue who hes playing with. Huge sums are posted up with John Q Anonymous.

                      PLAYER +270
                      TIES LOSE- Player dies

                      BMs Golden Parachute--all post ups and the ability to start up again under the cloak of anonymity.
                      Very possible scenario.


                      • #12
                        The Fundamental Truth of Sports Betting as it applies to Bookmakers and Tout Services:

                        1. Never Use Your Real Name

                        Subsection A: (applies to tout services, for pay handicappers and the general scum of the earth):

                        -- Sue every chance you get, especially if the other guy has more money than you or is more successful than you, or is smarter than you, or has a prettier girlfriend than you.

                        Subsections B: (applies to offshore bookmakers only):

                        -- Always claim to be licensed, even if you are operating out of your grandmother's garage
                        -- Teach your clerks to claim "I can't see the board, someone's in the way", or "Noa speaka englisha" if you are getting a move before their "screen"



                        • #13
                          bsky2, no more arrests because they did not even think that they were going to win the Cohen case. He will win on appeal because section b of 1084 was omitted for whatever reason. This states that if the "placing " of the bet in your jurisdiction is legal into a jurisdiction where it is legal then you are in no violation of 1084. The jury would have looked at this and aquitted him for sure. E-mail me if you want, I have about three piles of paper/research on the subject.


                          • #14
                            Ok call me silly....

                            Who is the big BM that was discussed earlier and was in jail......

                            Rather the name of his book



                            • #15
                              bsky2, the guys behind the offshore books don't have to admit that they are owners. They could just pose as managers.

                              If you don't think that being slammed in this forum would affect these books, why are you wasting your time here?

