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The Return of Skybook

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  • The Return of Skybook

    Rumor is that Skybook will be returning to Don Best. Now all we have to do is bring Lance back into the fold. Like him or not you have to admit he was entertaining and informative.

  • #2
    Don Best posting Skybook would heal alot of hard feelings involving premium line buyers at $500/month who expected (arguably) the most important baseball book on the premium live odds feed.

    Getting Lance away from the Skybook betting floor during baseball season is almost impossible ...


    • #3
      yeah..because everybody...meaning all their managers left figure it out.....


      • #4
        smartplayer, obviously you've got some sort of vendetta against Skybook. You aren't simply trying to provide information, you are intent on sullying their reputation. Why don't you come clean and confess. Confession is good for the soul. We'll even bring back one of the Bettorsworld Fathers to forgive you. You've already made several posts and post replies about them. It's hard to believe that it's simply your kind, loving heart that wants to protect Bettorsworld members from getting stiffed. I mean, why would you want to save us, whom you derogogatively refer to as "idiots" and "baboons?"

