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"Betting In Progress" at The Dunes...

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  • "Betting In Progress" at The Dunes...

    I was reluctant to try this as I thought it just "fluff" and didn't have a place in my strategies for it. Was I wrong.

    This has turned out to be an absolute fantastic way to turn those giant scalps into a two-way guaranteed scalp, maximizing my profits on every one I was able to bet on.

    Last night I had a guaranteed scalp of 500 if the Marlins won, with no profit if the Dodgers won. By keeping an eye on the game, and by the fact that the Marlins were leading by 2-0 after the second inning, I was able to get +210 on the Dodgers and used that to guaarantee myself a 300 profit if the Marlins won, with a 400 profit if the Dodgers won, which they did.

    This "Betting In Progress" can be used to get great profits on scalps, for hedging, middle creation, or any other strategy that a professional would use in his arsenal.

    I think I've only scratched the surface of thinking of ways I can use this. Yesterday I made 1 bet, today I came up with 4, all of which made me more profits than I would have had if I let them ride.

    For anyone who doesn't understand what it is, I'll try and explain it as best I can:
    You tell The Dunes what game you want to bet on and as long as they have it on satellite and can see it, they will quote you a line on it right then and there. Now before they quote you a line, you have to commit to a dollar amount (for scalping I use 100 per unit), and after they give you a two-way line on the event, you may bet from 1 to 5 units. Once they quote you a line you MUST bet at least 1 unit on either side.

    That's it. For example, when the Dodgers were down 2-0 last night, I was quoted Marlins-220 Dodgers +210. I could have went either way. The great part is that I could have bet later in the game the other way and guaranteed myself a profit just on their bets.

    You guys have to check this out.

  • #2
    WSEX has been doing betting on progress on baseball for at least three years now. They call them Iteractives.

    The only advantage the Dunes has over them is they allow you to call on any televised game.

    But they have some serious disadvantages. You can't get the line until you commit to a bet amount and you MUST make a play. That is silly. Nobody would play at a book where you had to make that kind of commitment on a regular play before you heard the number. And secondly, you can only do it on the telephone.

    The WSEX advantages are you can see all of the lines on the net and you are not obligated to wager. You can play on the net or phone. The funnest thing WSEX added a few years ago to their baseball is the "at bat's" where you can bet on what each batter will do the next time up at the plate.


    • #3
      I'm anxious to open up with Dunes. As soon as they get their lines on the web, I'll sign up. Post a message when that happens. That's great that they gave you a 10c line at -220 on the game in progress. They could also be useful if you ever get shutout on the second bet of a middle/scalp attempt. That's happened to me a few times.


      • #4
        ShiftySheik, speaking of getting shut out, this baseball season, the Don Best books are closing games earlier. For example, on 4:05 games, books used take bets right until 4:10--when the brown line would cross the screen--or until the game actually started. Now, many close betting at 4:05 or 4:06. Consequently, it is much more treacherous waiting til the last moment to get off the other side of a scalp. I've already sweated several games where I got stuck on a side.


        • #5
          I know the feeling, Reno. Getting stuck with a position on a game is a scalper's nightmare. One loss can nearly ruin your week. This is also why I avoid closing a position during the mad rush before a game. I'm more than willing to give up a couple of pennies on a scalp knowing that I have a comfortable window in which to close.


          • #6
            I have to agree with skeptic here.
            I don't like that they don't have the "Betting in progress" line online. Moreover you have to bet no matter you like the line or not. I'll stick with WSEX untill Dunes get their lines online.

            Boomer, you are right this is a good oppurtunity to scalp games. Not just baseball but also in football and basketball (WSEX)

            Does anybody know if Dunes will offer this for football games?


            • #7
              According to Dunes,

              you can virtually get a line anytime you want during a game and make your bet "in progress".

              Is this bookmaking or gambling?

              This is'nt the same as hanging out a number to balance your actions, nor even similar to adjusting your numbers with your own opinions as to take advantage of the "public money". Its a pure form of gambling with each of your individual customers.

              How many BM's in Dunes that can do this? Is there just only one guy?

              What's the limit btw?

              Maybe this is just a short term gimmick, but not only this is silly but it could be very dangerous in the long run.


              • #8
                This is gambling in it's purest form,mano a


                • #9
                  I have to agree with skeptic and AYCE.
                  I don't understand all the excitement about this betting in progress.
                  Is it really new? Spread betting books in Britain have been accepting bets in running for years. During the last soccer World Championship a lot of traditional books were accepting bets up to 10 minutes before the final whistle.
                  The requirement to bet regardless weather or not you like the line seems awful for me.
                  And most important I have the same concern as AYCE does. From the Samantha article I got an impression that Jason is the only guy making quotes for betting in progress. How is it possible, taking into consideration that you can get odds for every televised game?


                  • #10
                    I don't see how you could publish lines for betting in progress as they change with every swing of the bat.

                    I'v never tried WSEX's interactives but I was told they are substantially different from "betting in progress."

                    As far as "gambling", remember the book is always getting the best of the numbers, you lay -150 and take back +140. Over time, the book will win if there numbers are good.

                    Anyway this strategy of using betting in progress is working great for me. I'm only interested in the results, and the results are great. I do have to admit it is fun though, but there's no law that says it has to be "work" all the time.


                    • #11
                      I sure would like to see the bankroll behind the scenes at the Dunes. In other words, with all the 25% signup bonuses and the 20% & 15% bonuses, I would like to see how much players at the Dunes have on deposit versus what is in the bank to pay the players. Players need to beware that this is exactly what happened at Action Sports. The Dunes may be stable now, but all the bonuses will catch up in the end.


                      • #12
                        Reno, You know it pays to wait 'til the last minute. You're watching the screen, waiting for a certain number to complete a scalp. You put in your bet at the best number with 1 minute to post. Then, after the game turns red, the number you were waiting for appears on the screen...Happens all the time. But...if the game is on the dish, you can always call Dunes just in case you are shutout. That extra minute or two around post time will help you get some better numbers.


                        • #13

                          WSEX interactives work exacctly like betting in progress at Dunes. The difference is only the unit that they use. You are right the price changes every swing at the bat. And that is exactly what wsex does. They change the price. If WSEX can do it why not Dunes?

                          Ayce, Reality, Alec:
                          I think Boomer sum it up quite well. they are hoping more people play and they can just take the juice.

                          Where did you hear they offer 25% sign up bonus? Their website says only 10%.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Value_Finder:

                            WSEX interactives work exacctly like betting in progress at Dunes. The difference is only the unit that they use. You are right the price changes every swing at the bat. And that is exactly what wsex does. They change the price. If WSEX can do it why not Dunes?

                            Value Finder,
                            Here's the promblem with this.
                            A football line opens Sunday night by game time the guy from Early Edition with the paper in front of him can't crack that line.
                            No mystery,the sharpest guys in the world have been tuning it up like Andretti's Indy car.
                            Conversely,a forced to make a half-time line just off the score on the Don Best.
                            There is no margin for error here and that is why wiseguy bettors eat half-times for lunch.
                            No mystery again,the line is extremely weak and there is no ironing it out before you post it,there just isn't time.
                            Spiro,from OLYMPIC SPORTS is a friend of mine,an absolute brilliant person with a degree in engineering.Nobody and I mean nobody gives the player more bang for the buck.Everytime I visit him I beg him to cut the wiseguy limits down especially on futures and half-times.He always says he will,he never does.
                            B.B.from Vegas is home relaxing in front of his video wall watching every game he can,picking off every injury,player in foul trouble,every team that looks like their drawing their last breath.
                            He's just chomping at the bit to jump on Spiro's openers.
                            Spiro's posting tomorrow's NBA and baseball and making half-times off the screen.
                            This is no contest,and the real sin is he's putting this kind of player on for a pop.
                            If you wan't to this let you for a dime and he has some very tough cappers in there and you give them a dime as well.
                            After they play for 3 minutes you can put that line up for anything.
                            For anyone to believe that the juice,which I might add is only made if the dog wins,is going to overcome the weakness of this kind of line,please post your e-mail address I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
                            The man who the movie Casino is based on is a friend of mine and he is sharp as a razor,I wouldn't trust his expertise to make me a strong enough number to play this game.
                            This is the 11th commandment Moses left on the mountain:
                            They all have their own area of expertise.
                            Roxy,Lem Banker,Bob Martin,J.K.anybody you want to name takes his power ratings and opinion and tries to post a number that will draw two-way action.It is offered up in various venues and THE WISEGUY BETTOR finishes making the line the public gets.
                            Ayce, Reality, Alec:
                            I think Boomer sum it up quite well. they are hoping more people play and they can just take the juice.

                            Where did you hear they offer 25% sign up bonus? Their website says only 10%.


                            • #15
                              Dunes used to offer 25% sign-up bonuses but not anymore. They're currently offering 10% bonus ,5% free play and an additional 5% bonus for mentioning Bettorsworld.

