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Work for Del Mar & See the World!

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  • Work for Del Mar & See the World!

    They used to tell guys who wanted to see the world to join the Navy. Now, they tell 'em to work for Del Mar. This sportsbook was first in Margarita, then Belize, and now they are on their way to Costa Rica. I hear that other sportsbooks are already offering future bets as to where Del Mar will go after Costa Rica. "Del Mar" means by the sea. Unfortunately,in San Jose they will be two hours away from the ocean. But if you think that's bad, what happens if Belize, as rumored, also relocates in Costa Rica? Will they change their name to "Costa Rica?"

  • #2
    No, I doubt it. After all what does ABC Islands stand for despite the fact that they're in Costa Rica as well.


    • #3
      Im gonna go out on a limb and say your gonna see alot of books show up in costa rica. Almost 90% in the next three years. The government wants them there and the life style is alot easier than other countries.

