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Phantom & Reality Challenge

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  • Phantom & Reality Challenge

    If my posting of Artie's first name (after two other BW posters first mentioned it) was reprehensible and subject to severe and repetitive castigation (or even castration) by you guys, then what is your take on the "Las Vegas Review Journal's" disclosure of Artie's first and last name and very specific details about his money-moving activities and past history? I mean, if you guys actually walk the walk and don't just talk the talk, you should get your asses to Vegas and organize a protest in front of the "Las Vegas Review Journal" office.

    And by the way, if you actually come to Vegas, just to show you how much I appreciate your attempt to make a mountain out of a molehill and thereby sully my pristine reputation in BW, I'll treat you to some real Vegas barbecue!
