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Losing Streak Ends at 11!

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  • Losing Streak Ends at 11!

    Many of you probably remember my recent post
    "Beyond Probability" wherein I bemoaned my incredible streak of losing 11 straight games that I was heavy on. Well, today the streak mercifully came to an end.

    Although I punched in and confirmed Baltimore +215 for a nickle at Island Casino, the bet was never accepted. Therefore, I was heavy on Boston, which won.

    The fact that the bet was never accepted brings up a point worth addressing: the IGN software sucks. You can actually confirm a bet and not have it register as a bet. You are forced to review your bets to see if you actually got the bet in. That is an annoying distraction, especially during crunch time.

  • #2
    That's a good topic......Several times I've had my browser crash, or my pc crash, while trying to place a wager. It's happened to me at a few online books.

    Nothing worse than waiting until the last minute, only to have the browser crash....not knowing if your play registered or not....


    • #3
      I thought that only happened to me....Well good this means law of averages say the next 10 you should win. You are on a run....

      [This message has been edited by krackman (edited 05-12-2000).]


      • #4
        Post-time's online has sporadic problems too. Sometimes after hitting confirm it gives you a connection timed out or other error screen when in fact it has confirmed the wager. I always go back to the active wagers cause I don't trust it. But today I had my first phone problem in a long time. I'm almost sure I had bet $450 on the Marlins at +144, but on my next call the balance was off and it turns out the wager was entered at $50 on the Marlins. Now of course the Marlins win and so its tape listening time tomorrow. Wish me luck! And yes I'm going to Radio Shack this weekend to get one of those recorders.


        • #5
          I bet what happened is that you said something like "I'll take Florida, Four Fifty" and it sounds like " I'll take Florida for Fifty" For and Four sound alike just spelled different. Interesting Story. Let us know how it turns out.

          [This message has been edited by bbuster (edited 05-13-2000).]


          • #6
            That post got me thinking one time I called a bet and said " I'll take so and so for Fifteen and I heard the clerk scream something like 902 for 5 dimes, I said no no 3 nickles." Now whenever I want to bet 15 I say 3 nickles because on the phones fifteen and fifty can sound alike, its not as confusing as 450 and for 50 though.


            • #7
              or, a good idea to throw the word 'hundred'
              in, or thousand, if you are one of those

              me, I don't have that problem

              would be hard pressed to find someone that hasn't had the browser crash/lose bet or whatever deal I reckon


              • #8
                reno, i was curious if you have a cable modem or dsl at your location or if you just use dial up. I recently switched to dsl and can tell you it is great when you are trying to get something in at crunch time.


                • #9
                  Fairfax, all of my computers are on a cable modem network. Last year, when I lived in Reno, it was hell because cable modem wasn't available. It is a joy to have cable again.


                  • #10
                    I cannot believe any pro-style gambler would trust a click of a mouse to confirm a bet.If infact some bets dont get down, wouldnt that be a perfect out for a book to hide behind if they dont feel like coughing-up? Whats wrong with the modern day telephone anyway LOL....Just kidding

