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Belize goes Ballistic

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  • Belize goes Ballistic

    Anyone looking for different lines in baseball should play with Belize. These guys now jump their numbers around like crazy. I don't know what these guys are smoking or drinking, but it sure is doing the trick for players who crave line variety. If we can get the clone-joint BMs on this stuff, the sportsbetting world will be a better place for everyone.

  • #2
    long live belize


    • #3
      Reno- What is there url ? I am looking to send a few dimes to a new baseball out if they have a referral I would be happy to give it to you. I will e-mail jeff for your e-mail address.


      • #4
        My e-mail address (Note: It is the same as before.) is finally operational and available from Jeff at BW. You can call Belize at 800-281-1821. They are good guys from Vegas.


        • #5
          web address for Belize......

          RENO: Email me so I can confirm your current email......I have two for you. Thanks


          • #6
            How disapointing they don't post their lines on their site so we could see what Reno is talking about.


            • #7
              Those good lines can be tough to catch at Belize. They put their lines "on hold" all the time. Yes, they are a useful out...but you have to make quick decisions or else someone else (like reno) will beat you to the number. It's not like Sports Market or WWTS where they give you a line without hesitation.


              • #8
                ShiftySheik, you bring up a good point. Even
                with the Don Best Screen, I still get beaten a lot at Belize. It is very competitive trying to get their good numbers.

