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Too Heavy on Both Sides?

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  • Too Heavy on Both Sides?

    Early this morning Darwin All Sports had the Sampras/Rafter match at -80/+60. But they must have got some wild action on it because it has since jumped to -200/+50. I don't think I've ever seen such a thing.

  • #2
    Bob, I used to see this at Caliente in Mexico on Boxing matches. In the early 90s, I made a pretty penny scalping boxing matches between there and Vegas. The Mexicans, who bet with their hearts and not their heads, would lay any price on Chavez and Paez. However, the Caliente BMs then started gouging, by raising the favorite price and lowering the dog price as more money came in. One day a fight might be -400, + 300, and the next day it would be -450, + 250. Needless to say, the scalping opportunity pretty much got ruined, especially when they started keeping, rather than returning, your money on draws.


    • #3
      Darwin used to do this in the NFL too... you might see 1.95 on either side of a pointspread early in the week and on gameday it could be 1.925 either side. 1.925 of course still not bad since -110 is 1.909...

      A good deal for early bettors but in some ways it's sort of counterintuitive to me from a bookmaking point of view. As a bookie I would have a lot more confidence in a Sunday Morning NFL number than I would on a Tuesday Afternoon. NFL actually wouldn't be too bad but colleges...


      • #4
        I doubt many people in Australia were takeing Sampras. At least squares that is.

