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WWTS: You can list one, but not both pitchers

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  • WWTS: You can list one, but not both pitchers

    Let's get out of the way first that I consider WWTS and WSEX the top two books out there - I have been with both for almost as long as there has been internet betting.

    WWTS's online software allows you to (a) play action, or (b) select either of the pitchers BUT NOT BOTH pitchers:

    “Click on the Pitchers Name if you want to list that pitcher. Click on the Money-Line it you want Action. Listing both Pitchers is not available online at this time.”

    In a response the WWTS customer service department stated that more customers wanted to select ONE pitcher rather than BOTH pitchers. (Apparently their software cannot allow both options.)

    I do not think I have ever listed a single pitcher. While I have bet "BOTH listed pitchers" several thousand times over the past 30 years (99% of my baseball bets).

    Do you people out there, since you have only one option, really prefer to list one pitcher rather than both pitchers?? If so, why??

  • #2
    Canbet's software handles this pretty nicely mls

    One pitcher? Would not take that as a preference, perhaps occasionally though


    • #3
      I asked the same question in the WWTS forum. I don't know what they're thinking. The online betting used to list both pitchers automatically. I stopped using it.


      • #4
        I would be willing to bet they are doing this to prevent serious players from playing on-line.

        Everyone knows that any serious player is going to list both pitchers, you would be crazy not to. If you don't then you leave the odds you get up to someone else.

        I doubt any system is that bad that it doesn't take listed pitchers. What are the odds on that?


        • #5
          to mls.....can't agree more.....wwts is top of the line.....there's also one more interesting thing about this though.....a couple of weeks ago i listed the one pitcher on the internet at night.....the next morning i check my bet and it's changed....apparently the other pitcher was switched and wwts interpets this bet as an action adjustment.....that is...they change the price of the game to the new "opening" number with the new pitcher. I thought that naming just one pitcher would lock in a price but it doesn't according to their posted rules. And somehow making their action adjustment to the "opening number" of the new pitcher rather than the closing number sort of bewilders me....but's a small programming blunder than i hope they fix.


          • #6
            to response to your query about does anyone ever prefer one listed pitcher than both......yes....when i'm betting some real chalk like pedro martinez or randy johnson......i want the game if either of these guys pitches.....if the other teams number one guy suddenly or mysteriously can't start.... i still want the game.....if the change isn't announced with enough time to rebet the game....the opportunity may be listing the one chalk pitcher i always get my game.....and sometimes a gift.


            • #7

              They did it correctly. It is standard Las Vegas/Offshore rules. As long as your pitcher goes you have action but you do not lock in a price. If there is a change to the other pitcher you get an adjusted price. If your listed pitcher does not go you have no action.

              If you just take "action" and list neither pitcher, any pitching change could lead to an adjustment in price. It is very routine.


              • #8
                It doesn't sound like anyone would voluntarily trade "both listed pitchers" for "one listed pitcher" if only one choice was set for ALL baseball games.

                If 99% of WWTS customers would prefer "both listed pitchers" for ALL games then I cannot help but wonder why WWTS choose the "single listed pitcher" for ALL games ...

                Since it is obviously not customer service, I assume it is, as suggested, a decision to limit certain sharp action ...


                • #9
                  thanks skeptic......i thought in vegas that when there was an adjustment that the adjustment was to the closing line at game time not to the opening line where the sportsbook can just name the price


                  • #10

                    I dont know the reason for this , but i highly doubt WWTS is doing it to prevent heavy action from a serious player, from what I know about this book its would be the last thing they would.



                    • #11
                      This is a big problem for me also. Supposedly, this was only going to be a temporary situation, but I'm not so sure now. Pitching changes seem rare enough that I've still taken chances playing this way, but its already screwed me once.


                      • #12
                        this will create major headaches come september with pitching changes becoming more common as teams out of contention play minor leaguers.


                        • #13
                          I had the same situation recently with Premiere League. I think it is unintentional as a software change.

