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Roger From WWTS

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  • Roger From WWTS

    Rumor has it this fine man has passed away. Can anyone confirm this? If so it's a sad day for the whole industry.

  • #2
    A sad day indeed Shawnee!!

    The management and staff at Premiere League hereby offer our condolences to Roger's family, management and staff at WWTS. The best of the best has left the industry and he will definitely be missed. Hats off to Roger!!!

    Dinner with Roger was always filled with much laughter and stories beyond any imagination.

    Today is really a sad day!!



    • #3
      A very sad day, indeed. I never met Roger, but I talked to him regularly by phone, and I was planning on meeting him in January.

      He was one of the most personally and professionally respected guys in the biz. He was a guy who would go out of his way to help others. For example, he set me up with contacts and discounts when I did my my "Caribbean Tour" last February. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.


      • #4
        I would just like to pass on my condolences to Bill and the rest of the staff at WWTS on the passing of such a good man. Roger was a honest, caring, and very funny man. He could always put a smile on your face, the island and the industry will never be the same. I am very thankfull that I had the opportunity to get to know Roger, he will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

        Heres to you Roger

        and the rest of the staff at Superbook


        • #5
          I had the pleasure to have dinner with Roger and he was one unique, sharp and great individual. I would have to say it was a highlight of the trip to Antigua. Bettorsworld offers its condolences to the staff of WWTS and Roger's family. May he rest in peace.



          • #6
            Had the privlidge of dinner with Roger as well. A class act all the way.

            After dinner, we all got in a cab to go back to the hotel. Roger lived 5 mins from the restaraunt, but insisted the driver take us home first.

            Little did Roger realize, that we were staying on the other side of the island!

            For the next half hour, I had tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard, as I listened to Roger make comments about how far away we were.

            You meet thousands of people in your life. Some make an impression, some you forget in no time.

            Roger made a lasting impression.


            • #7
              I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to Rogers family, MANY friends, Bill and the rest of the staff at WWTS. I am very thankful I had the pleasure of knowing Roger and will truly miss a great, honest man with a heart of gold who could make anyone laugh. The industry won't be the same without him.

              Cheers to you Roger, you will be dearly missed.



              • #8
                Roger was one of the men in the industry that I would most want to emulate. I never had the honor of meeting him. I wish to thank him for giving the industry respect, fairness, and so many other positives. My condolences to his family and WWTS.
                Rich Rosenthal


                • #9
                  Posted on behalf of Spencer:


                  I had the honor of knowing Roger over the past two years.

                  To say he was a character would be an understatement.

                  Roger was living on borrowed time, and making the most of it. He once
                  told me, "The doctors gave me months, but Im taking years."

                  Roger enjoyed good live jazz. If you were playing for Roger, you could
                  afford to take a break. At the piano bar, you'd better know your
                  classics if
                  you wanted to keep up with him. His raspy voice, tuned from years of
                  and drink, rivalled whatever entertainment was already on call.

                  Many people loved Roger, some detested him, few who ever met him could
                  be indifferent. If you were eating with Roger and wanted to grab his
                  bill, or even
                  your own for that matter, you'd better just forget about it, "You've got
                  no chance."

                  When he booked, he let the sharks feed off themselves. When he trained,
                  shared his extensive knowledge givingly, with pizazz, and had very high
                  and standards. When other bookmakers discussed the theoretical edge
                  by a 10c baseball side, his only response "I will not kill action for a
                  bit more juice.",
                  few players rejected a 20c line with the same disgust as Roger.

                  Roger loved his home, Vegas, and the community of this tight industry.
                  He spoke
                  very highly of the old style bookmakers, many who have moved offshore
                  and thrive
                  today. He respected his work with an integrity that is hard to find any
                  more; he could
                  be trusted more with your money than with his own. I believe Roger felt
                  to have had the opportunity to spend his last years with WWTS, in that
                  capacity and
                  having the responsibilities he carried there.

                  Roger was so much fun. He had a warm heart. He knew how to have a good
                  time, and still
                  wake up the next morning. He knew what was important. He was a good
                  man, a good
                  spirit. He will certainly be missed.

                  Bottoms up... to Roger!


