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    as reported by Drudge Report:

    We will see.
    Rich Rosenthal

  • #2
    NOT!!! (Bush)

    [This message has been edited by Jeff K (edited 11-07-2000).]
    Patience and Money Management - The Key to Winning!


    • #3
      Looks like you spoke to soon Richy Rich


      • #4
        I still can't believe Gore was available at +210 at Olympic early this morning. Bush might still win, but the line was clearly not +210. I mean, this isn't like a baseball game where anything can happen. Every single poll showed that the race was too close to call (i.e. within the margin of error), and Gore is available at +210 a few hours before the polls open???


        • #5
          But what would you have Spiro do, if he was heavy on Bush? Offer -120 either way because the race is tight (it would have balanced his book, but at what cost)? What about $ momentum? If people were betting Bush moving the line higher, why let them play at a lower price?



          • #6
            Jagoff Nader apparently had huge $$ on Bush..
            America hasn't had a man so adversely impact its overall political welfare like this since Sirhan Sirhan in 1968...


            • #7
              Except for Perot who was responsible for giving us Slick Willie in 1992 and 1996. In a career full of excellent Public Service, Ralph Nader did the most service to his Country Today, removing the Clinton factor from National Office! Thank you Ralph!


              • #8
                Elian Gonzales cost Gore the election.


                • #9
                  I predict Gore will win


                  • #10
                    Now that Florida has to do a recount, and wait for the overseas ballots, it could take days to decide the outcome. Is it possible the books will declare a "no bet"?
                    Patience and Money Management - The Key to Winning!


                    • #11
                      nah, hold the money till a declared result happens in elections as far as I know

                      plus they get to earn the interest then


                      • #12
                        So if Bush win's , what does this do for sportsbetting in the U.S.A

                        I know you will be able to get more guns under Bush,but can you bet on football

                        [This message has been edited by OZ (edited 11-08-2000).]


                        • #13

                          As a compatriot, living through this election in the US has been surreal. What's even better is the media had to stay up all night and be dragged through the BS...

                          Luckily I had a good night sleep...

                          Gambling in the US will continue to try and work around the stigma that it carries. South Carolina finally allowed to legalize a lottery... So what?

                          Butt Kyl, the senator from Arizona who brough us the ill conceived Internet bill which has splutter run practically uncontested and won 70% of vote. He thinks this gives him more power to carry on with his vendetta that Gambling is morally wrong! Look for him to start a new angle in his quest to present another Internet Gambling Bill or to link up with Horse Racing lobbyists who want to be the only guys legal on the block to have access to Internet and x-state Phone Betting.

                          An interesting scenario that only gives the startups in Costa Rica, Antigua and OZ more ammunition to "GO FORWARD & CONSOLIDATE" this industry. However, the biggest influence on this industry will be offshore banking and capital flight... And all of the Democrats/Republicans/FBI/CIA/IRS/INS/Mickey Mouse would love to get a piece of this action.



                          • #14
                            Prospects Bleak for Bill to Ban Internet Gambling
                            Mon Nov 6 2000

                            On Friday, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) said that his legislative proposal to ban Internet gambling is unlikely to pass this year. If it does not pass, Kyl is unsure if he will re-introduce the bill next year. "I think that would be very difficult," he admits. "The amount of money in Internet gambling is so great now that it has become a multibillion-dollar industry." Sen. Richard Bryan (D-Nev.), the bill's leading Democratic sponsor in the Senate, agrees: "I believe next year Internet gambling will have reached critical mass, and there is very little likelihood to get prohibition." Kyl blames the changes and exceptions demanded by special interest groups for the legislation's troubles. Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) concurs, "The Internet gambling bill was such a moving target it was like a bowl of a Jell-O. So many different people were interested in it, and so many of the interest groups split." Nevertheless, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), the measure's sponsor in the House, still intends to salvage the bill during an upcoming lame-duck session of Congress scheduled for later this month. Goodlatte hopes to convince Dreier to bring the bill up on the House floor under regular procedures for a simple majority vote. If the House does not pass the bill this year, Goodlatte may offer it again in 2001.


                            • #15
                              HAMHOG, why do you say that Elian Gonzales cost Gore? I was so angry when he made those inane statements about a constitutional amendment to keep the kid here,etc.,that I vowed to vote for Bush. When I learned how bad Bush's record is, had to go back to Gore. I thought that his pandering to the Cuban vote would have helped him in Florida.
                              GUESSER, I have admired Nader's public service record until he bullied his way into a California prop that was supposed to lower insurance rates. It had the opposite effect and haven't heard one word from him about it since. Maybe that was a misstep but his self-absorbant run for office was ill-timed. His lousy 3% will NOT provide matching funds and in the process, MIGHT allow an incompetent like Bush to enter the White House.

