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Carib does not always pay

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  • Carib does not always pay

    I closed my Carib account a couple of weeks ago. Reason: I did not get paid on two race bet winners. I spoke to them , they told me they had trouble getting the results for these particular races. Therefore they cancelled the bets. Before they cancelled the bets, I provided them with the tracks telephone number, they refused to call them to get the results. Their internal problems are their problems, not mine. They should have paid me, especially since the results are available with a little bit of leg work.

  • #2
    Were the wagers were cancelled before the event, and did you know prior to the event that you had no wager?


    • #3
      First time starters seem to be TCD here. What track was it? What time did the race go OFF in relation to your TIME BET?

      No offense, but my money's on CARIB doing the right thing. State your case ziggy!


      • #4
        Originally posted by sportshobby:
        Were the wagers were cancelled before the event, and did you know prior to the event that you had no wager?
        Both wagers were cancelled hours after the race ran. One of the races was the 8th on the card. They paid me on the 7th and a later race. Problem was that the Web site they get their results from did not post the 8th race winner. They did post the result the next day. I insisted they pay me. In fact
        the next day they did pay me for the race. I then asked that they also pay me for a race they did not pay a few days earlier. At that point they took back their money and told me that they would not pay me on either race.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ronbets:
          First time starters seem to be TCD here. What track was it? What time did the race go OFF in relation to your TIME BET?

          No offense, but my money's on CARIB doing the right thing. State your case ziggy!
          Both bets, in fact all my bets at Carib were always put in at least 15 minutes before post time. In fact there were many times I advance wagered my the whole card.
          The bets were at Tampa and Flagler.


          • #6
            Carib, please reply!

            I just recomended you , as usual, to a poster looking for a solid book.

            I KNOW you guys pay. Please investigate this claim and pay this guy if his bets were winners.


            • #7
              Did you have any bets you lost that they gave you credit back on?


              • #8
                Originally posted by ziggylasvegas:
                I closed my Carib account a couple of weeks ago. Reason: I did not get paid on two race bet winners. I spoke to them , they told me they had trouble getting the results for these particular races. Therefore they cancelled the bets. Before they cancelled the bets, I provided them with the tracks telephone number, they refused to call them to get the results. Their internal problems are their problems, not mine. They should have paid me, especially since the results are available with a little bit of leg work.
                Just got an email from Carib.
                It is an attempt to get my business back. A very nice letter explaining that their past technical problems have been resolved.They end the letter by saying that they however, will not pay me for the two races in question.
                My guess is that they saw my post on this forum.


                • #9
                  What reason did they give for not paying the two races?


                  • #10
                    I think an answer is in order here...After all as far as we all know carib is solid but by carib not responding it shows there lack of concern for us posters.


                    • #11
                      Carib, It's not that difficult to get race results. Why havn't you paid ziggy?


                      • #12
                        I have always had a very high opinion of Carib.

                        However, if I bet on a horse, it won, and then Carib cancelled my winning bet I would explode! At the very least I would call the licensing authority in Antigua to file a complaint.

                        It only costs 25 cents and 3-4 minutes to call a track and get results for a race ... I cannot imagine Carib refusing to do so ...

                        I have said it before - when a book starts refusing to pay winning bets, for whatever trumped up reason - it is ususally a sign that it is in financial difficulty ...

                        I also hope Carib responds ... I still find it very hard to believe that Carib, with its impeccible reputation, did this ...


                        • #13
                          There may be something we don't know about this case, but it's certainly not reassuring to the customers of Carib to just leave this hanging. If I were ziggylasvegas and really believed that I had a valid complaint, at this point I'd contact Jeff and ask him to intervene. The offer to do so has been stated and stands.

                          How about it, ziggylasvegas?


                          • #14
                            If this is a thoroughbred track, they could just go to and save themselves even the twenty-five cents it takes to call.


                            • #15
                              Sportshobby is absolutely correct.

                              If these allegations are true - I hope they are not - then Jeff of Bettorsworld will get to the bottom of it.

                              I reserve all judgment until Jeff's investigation ... assuming ziggylasvegas's version is the truth and he contacts Jeff.

