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WSEX Login on Macintosh?

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  • WSEX Login on Macintosh?

    I can't seem to place wagers or check funds (or anything that requires the account and password check) at WSEX with my Mac, but things work fine for the PC. This is odd, since I know I've used a Mac on that site previously. Also, I know Jay is a big Mac fan.

    Anyone else have the same problem?

  • #2
    I just tried to do the same (with a dead account) on a Mac and everything worked fine for me. Maybe clear your "cache" on your Mac.

    And yes, I will be the last person using a Mac. To this day, it offers a superior operating system. It was only the vast conspiracy by IT managers that saw their careers threatened by such a friendly machine that led to them being declared "not good for business." After time, it became self fufillling because application providers catered to these same IT managers.

    What a different world we would live in had Mac licensed their operating system to clone computers in the early 80's.


    • #3
      It turned out to be my fault. I hadn't used my Mac in a while there, and it had an old password stored in memory (which I had since changed).

      There's nothing like getting help from the top.

      I also hate to see the Mac being shunned. But there are many sites that don't work properly on it, and many others that are much slower than with a comparable PC. So I've been migrating toward the PC as the browser platform of choice.


      • #4
        but my experience using the mac's precursor (the lisa) in '85 kept me on the command line until I finally gave in (kicking and screaming) to windows 3 years ago.


