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SOPRANOS- Who gets Wacked tonight

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  • SOPRANOS- Who gets Wacked tonight

    Just for fun as a eagerly await the season finale of the best TV show ever made

    Pauly Walnuts 2:5 I really hope I'm wrong
    because he's my favorite on the show, my
    cousin grew up with Tony Sirico in Brooklyn
    and Paully Walnuts is by no means a stretch for this hilarious Brooklyn hood.

    Jackie JR. 2-1 I think Ralphy gives him a
    past but we'll see

    Christopher Maltisante: 5-1 Is an upset in
    the making.

    Tony Soprano 100000000000000000-1 are you
    kidding would HBO be that stupid!

    Feild 10-1 anybody else had to be the only
    one killed not just and add on like Artie
    Vuco, maybe Gloria goes nuts and takes out
    Carmela you never know..........

  • #2
    There was a rumor flying around that the boss himself would be whacked via car bomb.......Gandolfini isn't happy with his role anymore as it is.........

    But I think Pauly Walnuts would have to be the odds on favorite here.

    The rumor is that it will be a major character.......I wouldn't consider Jackie Jr a major character, yet.

    Of course, maybe Jackie Jr will whack Ralphie......


    • #3
      Joe mantaigna has a contract for next year
      from what I here so that rules out Ralphy
      as for Tony maybe I ought to lower those odds
      A BIT but next years supposed to be the last
      season and theirs no show without the BIG GUY

      ps, Tony did a comercial for RUTGERS FOOTBALL
      His alma mada which is my favorite school
      having grown up in the Central NJ region
      what do you think about making him the
      coach --- it can't get any worse and he'd certainly put the rear of god into those kids
      no more 55-3 loses to Miami.


      • #4
        Isn't Ralphie played by Joey "Pants"?


        • #5
          yes pantalonia i had that name on the brain
          my bad


          • #6
            What about Uncle Junior?


            • #7
              the 2nd choice gets it thrilled Paulie lives
              but they didn't explore the Russian angle
              after the pine barrons shooting


              • #8
                I thought that was a pretty lame final episode.


                • #9
                  I agree the last 2 were better they should
                  have closed with the pine barrons one----
                  we still don't know what happened to the Russian in the woods. I wanted Paulie to live
                  but this with episode as the Sopranos goes
                  was a Dud


                  • #10
                    Im sitting here in a High-Rise in Piscataway and I can just barely see the stands of RU...

                    I guess the only thing that would make the lights shine in the stadium would be if Tony Soprano was knocked off and made assistant cheerleader. Wouldn't that give an intimidation factor for RU and change the line a few points????



                    • #11
                      who in the hell was wacked? i still don't know.



                      • #12
                        Jakie Jr took the bullet from the orders
                        of Ralphie the sadist----the rest of the episode dealt with his family his son and
                        daughter might actually be waking up to realize what dad does for aliving....paulie
                        is pissed off but they left his fate and the whole Russian angle for next season which isn't till april....


                        • #13
                          Too much emphasis on Meadow this season...who cares? I was hoping she would try to tackle a truck when she ran across that street at the end.

                          The season was a bit of a disappointment. It does look like Paulie gets wet next year.


                          • #14
                            like a good movie, the sequel never matches up. such is the case here.
                            even a notch down, its still the best show on tv. and i love edie falco!


