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Ask yourself the following questions from the National Council on Problem Gambling

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  • Ask yourself the following questions from the National Council on Problem Gambling

    Ask yourself the following questions from the National Council on Problem Gambling:

    1. Have you often gambled longer than you had planned?

    2. Have you often gambled until your last dollar was gone?

    3. Have thoughts of gambling have caused you to lose sleep?

    4. Have you used your income or savings to gamble while letting bills go unpaid?

    5. Have you made repeated, unsuccessful attempts to stop gambling?

    6. Have you broken the law or considered breaking the law to finance your gambling? (In most states, it's illegal for a minor to bet.)

    7. Have you have borrowed money to finance your gambling? (Maybe you're not a gamer, but this can include margin loans on stocks.)

    8. Have you felt depressed or suicidal because of your gambling losses?

    9. Have you been remorseful after gambling?

    10. Have you gambled to get money to meet your financial obligations?

    Answer "Yes" to any of the above and you should consider seeking help.

  • #2
    Here we go again. Lets take every gambler and try to indentify them as a "problem" gambler. I admit there are some people who have a problem, but not near as many as people think. And how many problems can really be trace back to their gambling? People who have problems are fulfilling a psycological need. If they bet, they are "gamblholics". If they use alcohol, they are "alcoholics". Some people surround themselves with work to escape. Then they become "workaholics". My point is this. Take away the gambling and you're still left with a void to fill. After you are cured, you might just find somthing else to fill the need. I think in most (but not all) cases, the gambling is a symptom, not the actual problem.


    • #3
      Plus it's less than 1% of the people. What are that stats for alcholics, drug addicts and the like?


      • #4
        I was in Vegas a week ago. I went to the Black Jack table and intended to play for a half hour. I looked at my watch and realized an hour had passed. I gambled longer than I had planned. Am I in violation of #1? Should I seek help? Heck, I've evem lost sleep over some of my football picks! :confused:


        • #5
          Here's one for ya..

          If you answer yes to any of the following, you might have a real gambling problem.

          1. Does everyone you know hound you about seeking help for your gambling problem after you make only one 10$ bet on a football game?

          2. Are you just waiting for the day that 14 team parlay will come through? "Damn, so close...Just another 5 wins and I'd have had it!"

          3. Are you thinking about using an offshore book in a country that not only have you never heard of, but you can't even spell? "I hear good things about this Venisawalicalica sportsbook."

          If I've left any questions off, please feel free to update this list.

