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    Check this new interactive trading site out. Very similiar to WSEX interactives but better and tighter spreads. Based in Ireland, solid gambling country. Looks like it is the real deal and will be great in a few months when they have more customers trading against each other. They seem already to have decent volume in just a week so give it a try a least. I have an account there and i like it.

  • #2

    Have you ever heard of ?

    This place has been around since the early days of this industry. I had always thought it was a great idea but there operation never really caught on with American players. Of course bet-ex never really pushed the issue either. Never went after the American Market, but it's been there several years.

    They were hooked up with SSP which is a well know UK based operation.


    • #3
      I have seen the site before followig a link from tip-ex line service. This site is ok but better for Eurpean bettors. Good concept though, high limits I know tennis betters like it because of the high limits and they pay. Jeff, keep up the good work on the line service, very impressive.


      • #4
        Hopefully feverpitch can catch on as well.

        These types of operations will never replace the traditional sportsbook, but there's always plenty of room for more opportunity!


        • #5
          Ireland, solid gambling country?

          jj, What makes you think Ireland is a solid country for sportsbooks? Easybets is based in Ireland. I'd hardly consider them safe.


          • #6
            Shifty, I think he's referring to European books in general. Ireland being much like England in that there are plenty of legal bet shops with some form of govt regulation.


            • #7
              So has anyone here actually played at this place yet? I was looking them over and it looks to me as though they can give wsex a run for their money with the interactives, since that's all they do.


              • #8
                I've been checking out their site. It's a good alternative to regular sportsbooks. The bid/ask spreads are tight and the commisions are low. Although they won't admit it, it looks like they cut a deal with a bookmaker to act as a market maker. That's the right way to operate a p2p exhange. They are taking all the NCAA games in running but no NBA.


                • #9
                  I've decided to take the plunge here. This place looks to me to be the future leader in interactives if they aren't already. Before I took the plunge I wanted to check in again to see if shifty or anyone else has anything to report. Thanks.


                  • #10
                    looks pretty cool. i'll wait for some more feedback but it looks promising. so few choices for interactives these days so it's nice to see an outfit like this.


                    • #11
                      I tried them out. Nothing serious. Just to try them out and have a little fun. No prooblems though. If they don't make it than there's no market for interactive sportsbetting. My guess is that they'll more than make it.

