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bettorsworld list policy

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  • bettorsworld list policy

    I'm a big fan of bettorsworld, they have helped me in the past resolve a problem with a sportbook. I am however unhappy with there policy on not to comment on books removed from the list. I understand possible reasons for this is to not cause panic, but if bettorsworld believes the problem is serious enough to be removed form the list, I think we have a right to know what the problem is.

    I'm writing this in response to the removal of one of my favorite books - five dimes. I have used them alot and never had a problem. However I have noticed that they go on and off the list and now they are off. I wrote Jeff about this and asked for a reason and I received no response. Normally I would just use another book, however in 5dimes case they have a lot of boxing lines that no other book offers and I bet more on boxing then other bets. So I'm in this situation where I have to keep more money then I normally would in a book that is not on the list and it troubles me in uncertain times like this. I guess I just rambling on but I really wish bettorsworld would offer reason for books that are removed from the list so we can make educated choices. Any thougts.

  • #2
    Sword 1: The reason this forum is free for people to post is because the Sports Books on the list pay an advertising fee. Some times Sport Books discontinue adverting, I would suggest this is the case.


    • #3

      I was under the impression that that while the banners at the top of the page were paid advertising, the list was not. Can somebody give any clarification on this.


      • #4
        Not Really

        Steve Turner,

        Not all the books on the list advertise and that is not a requirement of being on the list. The list is supposed to be books that BW feels are solid.


        There are a lot of reasons why a book can come off the list. The bottom line is: if they aren't on the list, there is a reason.

        The reason may not be for public consumption, but they didn't fall off by accident.

        They are not on the list at MajorWager and since BW and MW are teaming up to provide comprehensive coverage, I suggest you act accordingly.

        Call the book and ask them - maybe they'll tell you.

        MW List
        As Always - Good Luck,



        • #5

          I apologize for not responding. That was accidental on my part. I would never purposely not respond......

          Like Stardust mentioned, the list is independent of any advertising.

          The most important factors in determining the list are

          1) positive feedback from the books players

          2) a relationship with the book

          3) longevity is a factor but obviously even that doesn't mean as much these days

          Number 2 is a big one. There are books on there that keep in regular contact. They even go as far as to inform us of certain complaints so that we know ahead of time when someone contacts us with a problem.

          If someone contacts us with a problem and we can call the book and get full cooperation in solving it, that's huge.

          Shoot me another email when you can..........


          • #6
            Would like to add that we do the same sort of thing. Seems to come down to a feel good or not situation. That is why I think it is great we are combining the lists for all to see. Jeff and Brian and Fred and I ,could all have different "takes" on a book and it is a tremendous asset for the players to have both IMO.

            Read between the lines. Read the forums. Use common sense.



            • #7
              I have used the list here at Bettorsworld ever since I first came here, and I have a lot of respect for it, and the conciencious effort by Jeff to do what is right in regards to it. But I do want to point out another angle (to players who may not have thought of it in this manner). Jeff, I think that you know me well enough to know that this is not in any way a disparaging post.

              The main difficulty with ANY list is that it is a de facto list of "minimum standards". By that I mean that if a book is NOT on the list, then it infers that in the opinion of the list maker, the particular book does not meet a "minimum standard" that the list maker has set for admission..............OR the list maker doesn't know enough about the book for him to make an assessment. But the bottom line really is that clearly there are books that "make the list" and then there are books that "make the list" by a WIDER MARGIN. I think it's a very difficult annoyance to tackle, for obvious reasons, and possible solutions have their own set of drawbacks. I think that (as Jeff has pointed out), the list should be a starting point for players, and that ultimately we have to make the final assessment as to what our gut tells us or perhaps what some of the people we respect have to say.

              And finally, given the events of the last month, it would probably be in the interest of us players to encourage Jeff and Russ to tighten the standards they use to make it tougher to get on their list.


              • #8
                All good points. It should be noted that Jeff has made an effort to show some "elite" members by highlighting them in yellow, which helps a lot.

