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This is the time! Post the slow payers!

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  • This is the time! Post the slow payers!

    If a book is gonna go bad, it's now! Final Four weekend. We should all post any irregularities with the payouts to document any potential trouble. Even post the fast payers.

    GCS - Slow pay

    Rio - no neteller

    Jazz - slow pay

  • #2
    Add Bring me luck casino to the no pays. Should be bring me BAD luck casino.


    • #3
      CR banks have been closed since Wed. Other island banks were closed on Thurs & Fri. Is your slow pay from Jazz due to the holiday?


      • #4
        You are nuts. I know someone who got paid from Jazz in like 2 minutes this week!!!!!!


        • #5
          Yes, I agree Dragon is nuts ...

          I have received 2 payouts from Jazz in the past 2 weeks - both with 15 minutes!


          • #6
            Shifty, have the banks been closed for two weeks?

            MLS and bruce. Are you guys serious? Aren't these forums to report payment status and such, about the books? You think I'm making this stuff up????

            Would you prefer not to know? Are you dumb enough to think that just because you got paid I did as well?

            Tell you what morons. Jazz won't deny this.

            I'll keep my mouth shut from now on. You don't deserve to know.


            • #7
              It probably all depends on HOW you are requesting your money and how much. $5,000 is a lot different form $100 or $500. The book might have money in Western Union, but not in Neteller or PayPal or something like that. It's be easier to track if everyone said how they were trying to get paid and if it were for a large or small amount.


              • #8
                Thanks for the info Dragon. I like to be informed. Btw I have been waitiing 6 days for a paypal from SIA...


                • #9
                  A 2 week wait is unacceptable. Thanks for posting Dragon.


                  • #10
                    All experiences with payouts are useful information. Dragon, can you tell us the order of magnitude of the request, and the payout method requested?



                    • #11
                      It was over 20 dimes. A friends was much more than that. The transfer was via a method that would require that they actually had the cash on hand in a bank account. In other words it wasn't a book to book transfer which just means the books are keeping balances with each other. A couple guys I know had book to book transfers not honored by cris and nab just to name a couple 3 weeks after the fact when Aces went down. Cascade actually honored an Aces transfer they never received. Shows you the different business practices. Book to book transfers can bite you in the ass.


                      • #12
                        Anybody have any updates now that the slow season for the books has started?


                        • #13
                          I received my transfer. It took two weeks but I got it. My friend got his as well. Still think it's worth posting. After getting stiffed by Aces and then the other books going down any info is good info. If it's not "fair" to the books, to friggin bad. It's not fair to the player not to get paid when he wants!


                          • #14
                            Two weeks is better than not at all, I agree. Does Don best do anything to keep up with how the books on its screen are doing? I would think a lines service that presents "only the best" would want to have assurances that the books they are displaying are both solid financially and managerially. It only hurts their business to have something like the Sportsmarket/Aces fiasco.

                            There is some competition brewing in the lines service world, I would say it is only a matter of time before their monopoly is in jeopardy.

