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Hey Checkers, Pat Robertson is into Horse Racing!!!

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  • Hey Checkers, Pat Robertson is into Horse Racing!!!

    The Moralist Loves Racing

    Associated Press
    "I don't bet and I don't gamble," says Pat Robertson, who likes to watch horses run.

    With the Kentucky Derby less than two weeks away, the Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson's attentions may briefly wander from the social, religious and political issues that dominate his agenda. With $520,000 invested in a horse named Mr. Pat, who is behind in his training at Belmont Park for the John Kimmel barn and has not yet raced, he had hoped to be a part of one of the Derby preludes.

    Any owner would. Of course, Pat Robertson is not any owner, but a high-profile crusading moralist who bashes deviance of any kind. That has not stopped him from walking a tightrope between a gambling industry and a sport he says he is passionate about.

    "I don't bet and I don't gamble," Robertson said. "I just enjoy watching horses running and performing."

    That simple explanation may not satisfy his many critics, but Robertson is not about to cut back his racing interests. Rather, his purchase of Mr. Pat last April at the Keeneland 2-Year-Olds-in-Training Sale signified Robertson's desire to play on racing's biggest stages, like the Kentucky Derby.

    A self-described horse lover since childhood, Robertson has been involved with various breeds for some 60 years and still rides his own hunter-jumpers for recreation. In 1997, he bought a few thoroughbreds at a sale to disperse the stock of Buckland Farms. His purchases included Tappat, who would go on to earn $236,275. But Robertson operated only a small stable with a few modestly talented horses who were competing out of the spotlight at the mid-Atlantic tracks.

    At the time, the horses ran under the name Tega Stable, and stable employees declined to reveal the name of the owner when asked. The trainer Earl Ola said he had signed a disclosure form saying he would not discuss matters relating to the ownership of Tega.

    Robertson admits that the unavoidable relationship between gambling and horse racing is one he wishes did not exist.

    "I wish horse racing was not supported by gambling," he said. "They call it the sport of kings. People from King Solomon on have been raising and racing horses. The people I see at the track, they don't seem to love horses. They're looking at The Racing Form and are trying to make money betting. I like to look at them as performers and to study their bloodlines. That's what I find interesting.

    "I don't bet on my own horses and I don't think anyone else should either."

    The Bible makes no mention of horse racing or any specific references to gambling. Still, some religious experts say that Robertson is clearly violating the spirit and direction of his conservative Christian message.

    "The notion of an evangelical entering horse racing and gambling, well, he can pretend all he wants that he's in it for the beauty of the sport, but you can't look at it that way or buy your way out of it by saying that," Martin Marty, a University of Chicago theologian, said. "The whole culture of horse racing involves gambling, and all the money comes from people trying to hit it big gambling. This is like saying you're investing in a bordello but aren't in favor of prostitution."

    Randall Balmer, a professor of American religion at Barnard College and an expert on evangelicals, said: "What strikes me is that evangelicals, for most of the 20th century, were unequivocal in frowning on this sort of activity. For Robertson to flout that is really quite remarkable. I think he'll have a hard time explaining this to his followers. Many people look to him as a role model for moral guidance. This strikes me as beyond the pale on his part."

    Robertson has often been in the middle of fights against the spread of gambling, and his efforts have included appearing in television commercials in Alabama in opposition to a bill that would permit video gaming at the state's dog tracks. Several thoroughbred tracks, including Delaware Park, where Tappat raced 12 times, have slot machines. He has, however, supported exempting horse racing from bills banning Internet gambling.

    The Christian Coalition has not wavered in its opposition to gambling, but Robertson no longer appears interested in deflecting attention from his racing pursuits. Not only did he name the horse after himself, but Mr. Pat will run under his name and not that of Tega Stable. Though Kimmel said he had only spoken to Robertson a few times, he did not hesitate to discuss the horse or his limited knowledge of Robertson's racing activities.

    As for Mr. Pat, the son of Harlan — who also sired the likely Kentucky Derby favorite, Harlan's Holiday — has shown his owner how frustrating the thoroughbred game can be. Kimmel, one of the top trainers on the New York circuit, said the horse has a world of ability, but that has not helped in getting over some hurdles, particularly a breathing problem.

    "He's a nice horse and has a lot of potential," Kimmel said. "But he has some problems. He has been generating some noise in the latter part of his workouts, and I've been trying to come up with a solution."

    Kimmel would not predict when Mr. Pat would make his first start. Traditionally, about 31 percent of all racehorses never make it to the starting gate, and Mr. Pat could wind up being among the unlucky minority. But there will be more. Robertson bred one of his mares this year to the top sire Saint Ballado, who stands for a $125,000 stud fee.

    "No question that it's an enormous thrill to be involved in something that is so invigorating," Robertson said. "It's as exciting as can be. I like Saratoga. I go there for the breakfasts in the morning and to watch the horses train. It's marvelous. There is a certain mystique to horse racing."

    That certain mystique has captured the fancy of many and it seems to have gotten its grip on an unlikely candidate. Is it wrong? Hypocritical? Robertson is happy to let others argue those points. He just wants to get to the winner's circle.

  • #2
    how appropriate that robertson's involved in horse racing since he is a horse's ass

    when he ran for president it came out that when he was in the army during the korean war his job was 'liquor officer', that is he was the guy who got booze for the other soldiers

    gambling? booze? yo, pat, where are the whores?

