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Yahoops NOT PAYING???

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  • Yahoops NOT PAYING???

    I find that strange being that the rx AND sting rave about these guys. in fact i believe sting claimed they were gearing up to fight yahoo in a big court battle.

    i certainly wouldn't be sending any money to yahoops to fund their legal fees which will run into the 6 digits if what sting says is true.

    now i see they are stiffing a player. i guess their lawyers want the money up front.

    not a good sign for yahoops.
    incidently, tinkerbell across the street was ripping over the fact certain books were taking advantage of url names that would benefit themselves. doesn't yahoops fall into this category?

    my advice to any sportsbook is simply this. be successfull based on your own merit, honesty and credibility. not by using the name of the number one search engine on the Net. MY guess is that without the name YAHOOPS this book would be miring at the bottom with all the other crooks, thieves and liars.

    Just My Opinion


  • #2
    brian, do you know anything about rumors that ido from yahoops is a wanted criminal in his native israel and is on the lam in central america? all that stuff about being an ex-basketball player in israel is bull and he really committed some kind of fraud there and had to leave one jump ahead of the sherriff

    maybe ido himself will address this issue as we all know he reads these boards and sometimes posts...if he doesn't address this, that will tell us something too


    • #3
      That is the 1st i have heard of this. would i be shocked by it? NO.
      if this happens to be fact, lets add another crook to the list.

      in all fairness, lets see what the reply is if any.



      • #4
        Checkers posted this regarding Ido:

        Anyone verify this?


        • #5
          I checked the three major Israeli newspapers online: Globes, Ha'Aratz, and the Jerusalem post and couldn't find anything that sounded like Ido being in trouble--half the people running to Central America are wanted for something these days. But who knows.

