
No announcement yet. – they look reliable, any advice ??

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  • – they look reliable, any advice ??

    One day, I found in my inbox one of the best emails that I ever received from a sportsbook. I visit there page and is not like other books that they look desperate to gather players with large bonuses and percentages offering heaven and millions of dollars. There home page looks nice and clean and the bonus structure looks reliable.

    They say they have been in business since 1998, that means that they seems to be financially stable. The best thing is that they claim to have an outstanding Cust Serv, is this true ???

    They look reliable to me, but first I would like to hear opinions before starting some actions with this guys.
    Can someone advice something about, please educate me….

  • #2
    I'm curious to hear how many sportsbooks you currently use as well as exactly what you're looking for in a sportsbook before I comment further.......thenk I have a few questions...


    • #3
      Jeff, I’m just a recreational player, I like this site b/c since I’ve joined, I’ve learned about lines, games, but particularly to be more careful when you join a sportsbook.

      What I’m looking for is to have fun and ad some excitement to the games, but the bottom line is the way they will treat me, in other words, there Cust Serv and how fast I could be paid.

      I know that in this forum I can be adviced/educted well, like always.

      I’ve had my shops, and I have my shops to play, I hope you help with your comment.



      • #4
        I guess what I'm getting at is, there are quite a few books that have been around longer than playersbet and have all the same qualities you mention in your post.

        I'd advise using the search feature here on the forum, which goes back several years.

