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  • Intertops

    At the end of the Jan.12 NBA contest on Free Sports Monitor,
    I came in the money. That entitles me to get $100 in my Intertops account.

    I am not going to be paid because I have already come in the money two other times.

    Intertops is pissed that I have not sent them additional money
    for my account. Isn't that a shame? Or is it a sham?

    Either way, I just want to warn everyone not to bother winning
    more than once.

    Is it not the American way to try to win all the time?

  • #2
    unless it is stated in there rules upfront if not then you are entitled to win as often as you can.


    • #3
      I can understand your frustration. I have won contests sponsored by them more than once. At first, I had the same reaction as you.


      ... take a step back for a second and see their side. They were giving away free money (probably too much), so they decided to add more stipulations (deposit + 4x rollover).

      They posted and publicized these rules in full view of everyone who plays. That is their right.

      Realistically they cannot keep giving away money without at least some attempt at getting something back.

      I don't believe it is asking to much. Their deposit minimum is small, and it's not that difficult to rollover a deposit four times.

      And besides, Intertops is a top-tier book.

      A lot of books are not able to offer this many contests with this much prize money. I'm psyched that they can, and am glad to have them as one of my primary books.


      • #4
        Quite frankly I don't blame intertops one bit.

        Intertops was kind enough to sponsor a year long contest for players at the free sports monitor.

        Part of the draw for a book to sponsor contests, and give away free money, is the potential to gain real customers.

        You have done nothing but complain since day one.

        You initially won a free account and were pissed because Intertops doesn't take accounts from Nevada.

        That's their right.

        So you circumvented that rule.

        Then you were pissed the next time you won because they didn't credit your account fast enough. Happened to be a holiday weekend I believe.

        You then proceeded to call them a stiff and trash them to whoever would listen.

        Now here we go again.

        If I were intertops I'd throw you the hell out and send you a check. Maybe they are more patient than I am.

        Anyone else who wins more than once, feel free to email me and we can see what we can do about getting you credited with winnings, possibly at another book. We'll take it on a case by case basis.

        Anyone wants to express their displeasure with a book in which they are a post up customer then by all means.

        These contests aren't about trying to make a free score. One hand washes the other. When a book is kind enough to sponsor a contest, support them. Throw them a bone and post up a few bucks to show your appreciation and give them a shot to win as well.


        • #5
          am i to interpret your last post that i was in the wrong for wanting to receive a referral from a BW sponsor book (carib) because i was not a "post-up" account?

          i have played many of the BW contests for years, and i am grateful for the opportunity to win accounts at these different books for nothing but a contest entry. it is fun, and gives me a little more interest in an event i probably wouldnt follow. nascar is a perfect example in my case.

          what i do find to be a problem is the lack of clarity in the stipulations that are attached to a contest winner and his prize account. why cant the book either post rules that govern prize accounts on their websites? or maybe have these stipulations posted at the beginning of a contest's rules?

          it sure seems that a few lines of this nature could help avoid any hard feelings later on down the road. i know in my case with carib, it would have been nice to have known beforehand that since i was a contest winner account and not a post up account, that i wasnt eligible for bringing them a cash customer.

          i had limited dealings with carib in the past and not any problems. however, what was done to me is purely unacceptable!!!! if on the word or brian or yourself (i highly respect both), that i should not have expected a referral, i would have let it drop because i honestly believe that neither of you guys would steer me wrong when it comes to this business. just because a book sponsors here doesnt put them above doing the right thing!


          • #6
            does anybody know why they have been downgraded on the sportsbookreview website?


            • #7
              there is some talk of them canceling a futures bet on Louisville because of a bad line 2 weeks after the bet was placed.

