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Grand Central Sports: Have they recovered?

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  • Grand Central Sports: Have they recovered?

    i was wondering if anyone could update
    me on GCS. i know that Jazz took them
    over. How have they done lately?
    thinking of playing with them again
    (played there a couple of yrs ago).

  • #2
    They have done well........Back in December I received an update from Ross at Jazz.....he said it was ok to use anything from that email, so here's the entire email.....

    I am sending you this email to update you on the situation at Jazz and her
    sister operations.

    Jazz is not persuing the post up business and has paid off all players who
    were owed money. The casinos are doing fine and we are looking to expand
    into San Jose if we can find the right situation.

    ABC Islands is doing fine with primarily a post up business and low limits.

    LooseLines is offering a low juice (-105 college and -108 pros) operation.

    The four internet casinos have over 500 clients and are currently returning
    96.8 %.
    Grand Central has quadrupled in size since moving into our complex and is
    performing better than I could have hoped. All players have been paid and
    the post up funds are held seperately from operating/marketing funds. As is
    well documented they use a more aggressive approach to marketing and it is
    VERY successful and reaches a different segment than either Jazz or ABC.

    Top of the World - ALL TOW clients were paid off and we then resold the name
    back to the original owners and we are no longer associated.

    We have changed operating procedures which led to the problems and have been
    having a very good year. During the course of our problems Henry at
    Pinnacle and Dave at Rio stuck by us and we appreciate that support. Wit
    Sports, Hollywood, Grande, Del Mar and Cascade also were helpful in taking
    transfers and in getting players paid. There were of course a few books who
    attempted to benefit from our problems and I wish them nothing but ill will.

    There were many rumours that were out there but the brunt of the problems
    were caused by the purchases, a couple of big hits from large players, and
    some risk management practices that have been corrected. The problems
    effected about 40 players of which ALL were understanding except one who hit
    a 8 team parlay and won 450k. He was paid in about six weeks.

    I earlier went public on a different site and explained our problems and
    the response I received convinced me that we will no longer be advertising
    on any of the forums. I mention this only so people realize that just
    because we no longer show up as advertisers or get positive mention from
    certain sites that ask for free accounts in exchange for a good word we are
    not closed and we hope to re-establish Jazz and the other operations at the
    high level of both performance and trust we had for twenty years. We will
    also be using our casino base to establish direct credit accounts for those
    who qualify and will realease those details after the Super Bowl.

    Thank you for your support during these trying times,

    Jazz Sports


    • #3
      I posted up with them again, but unfortunately was told they didn't want my business and closed the acct.

      I suppose if I can't have a postup acct at Grand Central, there's no chance of a credit acct at Jazz . . .
      Last edited by sportshobby; 02-20-2003, 09:29 PM.


      • #4
        Thanks for the update, Jeff.
        anyone else?


        • #5
          Can't speak for Grand Central, but if they are all one in the same, I have been playing at Looselines for several months with no problems to report.


          • #6
            Dragon, if they let you lay -105/-108, surely I should be able to lay -110.
            Last edited by sportshobby; 02-22-2003, 05:21 PM.


            • #7
              I guess these guys are going to be a bit more cautious about "smart" action after the ordeal they went through. Seems like most books these days are tightening the noose around anyone that may remotely have a clue. That's too bad because Jazz was once known for the decent action they'd take.

              I'm surprised they aren't allowing certain players in at ALL.


              • #8

                just to clarify,

       and it's sister books and operate independently
                from JAZZ/ABC/Looselines.

                I'm sure that group would be more than happy to handle any type action that you give.

                Our group on the other hand has completely divested itself from all sharp/wiseguy type play. We have implemented a new stratagey this season and have been extremely successful with our new model.

                Thanks for all,

                Mike Nichols



                • #9
                  Any sportsbook certainly has the right to decide who can play at their place. But it's a shame when all the winners and players that have a chance are thrown out.
                  Last edited by sportshobby; 02-26-2003, 10:25 AM.


                  • #10
                    Mr. Nichols,
                    What ever happened with the individuals that scammed old ladies via telemarketing, are they still with the company?


                    • #11
                      Ok Railroaded, you're going to have to elaborate on that story!


                      • #12
                        SH, are you referring to looselines? They have -105 on the net for a nickel. More than a nickel you have to phone in and it's -110.


                        • #13
                          There were posts made all over the net about their charges against Granny Scamming. Obviously, by the (lack of) response, the scammers are still part of Ganny Scamming Central. Maybe someone can find us those articles again and post them. It's something you should know before giving them your money.

                          GCS STATEMENT:
                          "I earlier went public on a different site and explained our problems and the response I received convinced me that we will no longer be advertising on any of the forums."

                          You're not-so-welcomed responses may be due to all the lies you've posted on every sports board on the net?


                          • #14
                            Dragon, thanks for the info. I wonder if Loose or Jazz would let me play there, even if GrandCentral would not.


                            • #15

                              Jazz takes on all comers. Call them they will gladly take your action.

