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camelot seems to be on the move to one of the best books in the world.

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  • camelot seems to be on the move to one of the best books in the world.

    that comment was written by JJGold. We at bettorsworld smelled a rat the day they opened and despite hundreds of MW posters who were ripped off thousands of dollars and then QUIETLY dissapeared they remained in the good graces of many. Most likely those who DON'T bet but tell everybody they are wiseguys and are big players.

    WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES but bettorsworld has an extremely high rate of success when it comes to finding CLASS outfits. You need a place to make a bet? LOOK NO FURTHER THAN BETTORSWORLD.

  • #2
    There is still one black mark that falls on everyone: Ace's Gold and Sportsmarket. No one saw that coming.


    • #3
      Some people in the know, knew what was happing at Sport Market/Aces Gold, but didn't inform the rest of us.....

      Clues: Big sign-up bonus, no juice on friday, taking all the smart play from other books............

      Middlers and scaplers loved Sports Market. They could play on friday at SM for no juice and other casinos for 5 % juice on fridays.

      Also when SM's line was differnt than everyone else on Super Bowl, we should have seen the hand writting on the wall. Wish I had been do many other people..........

      Charlie's brother is a Big Bookmaker in West Texas...........


      • #4
        The other thing that was too good to be true was buying on and off 3 for 10 cents. You could take an NFL game that was 3 and buy one side down to 2.5 and the other up to 3.5 BOTH at sportsmarket, on a Friday and only lay -110 on each side.


        • #5
          Hey, maybe Camelot can bail out Majorbetting? LMFAO


          • #6
            They could call Therwhanger for some advice about being on the lam. He could be consulting as we speak.

