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    Trying to get some feedback from my fellow players on the piece "60 Minutes" and Ed Bradley did on Sunday night regarding Internet gambling. Everybody's into it in one form or another but that's not the issue. What got my attention was how the guy that was speaking against the legalization of the this thriving industry, mentioned the fact that we "give our money to a picture on a tube (personal computer) and rely simply on trusting the website to pay up when one wins". Again, this whole thing is based on trust because what recourse would we have against some out-of-the-country sportsbook not paying us when we win?

    Now I'm NOT looking to open the proverbial "can of worms", I'm just looking for some feedback from the guys on this matter......good or bad. Has anyone ever hit big and not collected? Has anyone ever hit REAL BIG and got paid? I'm sure word of mouth is the most reliable source, and I'm sure any books that stiff people ain't gonna be around for long, but the show just got me thinkin'.

  • #2
    I have a buddy at work that hasn't hit really big, but almost every week, he pulls out atleast a $1000 from his offshore and he shows me the check everytime damn time.Lately his checks are increassing in size cause during football season there is less juice than baseball.

    anyways what I am trying to say is he has never been screwed by his book, and he pulled out 44K this last year ending at baseball sesason.

    so yes there is trust, but word of mouth would kill these offshore books if they started screwing somebody, I feel most are trust worthy.
    good luck

