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Inside information

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  • Inside information

    This is directly from a player on the University of Miami football team. The players don't fear or respect Larry Coker and that he has lost this team. Also I was told that Larry Coker is not enforcing rules the way he should be because he is scared to piss the players off. Everybody knows Miami is off to a bad start but the above information hasn't been reported by the press. Anyway as an ex football player myself I can tell you the worst football teams I played were the ones where we didn't fear the coach. *Conclusion* This doesn't mean Miami can't turn it around or that they're are going to have a losing record but this might just be something to keep in mind if you were ever going to put gambling faith into this team again this year.

  • #2
    I think the final nail in the coffin was Louisville. That was ugly. There was talk before the seaosn even started about Coker after the got their ass kicked in the bowl game last year. Personally, I like to see teams that were once dominant go through bad spells. Gives someone else a change at top.


    • #3
      I see what you're saying but trust me there is a big difference in a bad start and coach who has lost the team.

