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Wayne Allyn Root for VP

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  • #16
    Im sorry maybe you should Google Socialism, and then read what Karl Marx has to say. If you approve of socialism be my guest. Im in no way out to sway anyone's vote however if you like government assistance and approve of government telling you what to do, have at it. Think back to when the internet ban on gambling was passed, did you approve of that? That will be only a taste of the government intervention to come.


    • #17
      Not that anyone asked for my two cents, but I have to go with the Obama campaign almost by default...........John McCain is backing the Bush policies and his pitiful administration's contiunance to scoff at the Constitution and federal laws..........He should change his name to John McSame, because that's exactly what your gonna get..........more of the same old Bush-shit..........It was bad enough that he never really got elected in the first place the way the Superior Court handed him the election over Al Gore eight years ago, and then the way G. Bush Sr. and his Republican law-breaking crooked cronies (and that's putting it mildly) led by Karl Rove and associates hung John Kerry out to dry as a traitor during his wartime military service, while G.W. was fagging off in the National Guard.........This puppet-face pansy never even wanted to be President in the first place, he was placed on a pedestal by all of the afforementioned to make them all even richer than they already were...............and it worked.

      Now, needless to point out, the country is in it's biggest state of financial turmoil in the history of it's existence, we've been abandoned by some of our strongest allies on the foreign affairs front, gas prices, housing crisis, still no national medical coverage............but the biggest fiasco is the invasion of Iraq and the lost lives and wounded soldiers we've endured because this boy Bush had to get some payback on Saddam Hussein for his daddy............I don't know folks, but in my opinion it's time to try something new.........a breath of fresh air so to speak..........How much worse can it get?



      • #18
        the country was a LOT BETTER OFF when clinton Left the Big House in 00 than it is now with that idiot bush in office.......i c Mcain as more of the same.....I tired of hear folks bitch about their tax money going to welfare moms. Hell this money we about to give Wall St and the Bankers DWARF anything we EVER have given out in welfare............How come those SAME folks dont bitch about Corporate Welfare? TIME 4 a CHANGE!


        • #19
          bigpoppa...Clitton left this country going south. He had the opportunity to take out Bin Laden and FAILED..our economy was starting to go SOUTH when he left..but everyone blames Bush..if Bush was so bad, why did he get voted in..TWICE? You want to talk about coroporate welfare? How about political welfare? Why is it that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Chris Dodd are the biggest recipients of contributons from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac??? Why is Chris Dodd writing a bill for companies he was taking from and not regulating like he`s suppose to?? The nitwit democrats had the audacity of blaming republicans for killing the bail out bill when 40% of democrats voted against the bill. It amazes me that democrats can claim they *fight for the working family*..what a CROCK..this bail out bill could have been a HUGE disaster and I`m happy for those who shot it down. Are you aware that up to 20% of that bill was going to ACORN...the agency that registers people to vote, but now has convicted voter fraud felons...DEMOCRATS...McCain blew the whistle on the housing market 3 years ago and the democrats turned a blind eye and ear...Nobama has NO clue what he`s doing...his economic plan consists of $800,000,000,000 in NEW RAISES on the wealthy..and BS tax cuts for middle income....that is a recipe for DISASTER.......whatever people do..I hope they stay away from SOCIALISTS like Barack Nobama...the government is not here to support people..they are there to lift you up so you can support yourself...GOD BLESS DEMOCRACY AND CAPITALISM....


          • #20
            A "true" Democracy can NEVER coexist with Capitalism. What was Mcain thinkin when picked that woman for VP...........she is actually dumber than Dan Quail


            • #21
              Not to be rude but Im sensing you have no clue what your talking about. Im thinking two things your either yanking my chain or your totally out of touch with politics. I respect your opinion but I think you should be aware of what your asking for. Socialism.... Can you imagine the government telling you what you could do. Example.... Have to apply for extra food and gas and when I say apply I mean beg your government for help. Do you think we would be able to gamble.... Hell no. Under socialism your Myspace page would be canceled. Everyone would be payed equally despite the skills you hold. Socialism is the quickest way to destroy a nation. I promise you if we ever move to those extremes our nation would be plagued by civil war. I will say this there is no way either candidate will be able to implement any of their plans. I continue to laugh at both candidates with there ferry tale fixes. At this point I say let the people have what they want, give them Obama, and when he bends over the nation it will be time for a true republican candidate to take over.


              • #22
                As a Massachusetts resident...I`m extremely disappointed Romney didn`t get the nomination and I certainly don`t want to hand over the white house to a socialist for the next 4 years. As far as democracy and capitalism goes, its been working for over 220 years in this country, it may have some hiccups in the system, but the average person has the opportunity to prosper. McCain won`t accomplish a lot, but he`s not dumb enough to purposely sink our country with a bad economic plan and giving health care away for free, which isn`t possible.


                • #23
                  how much have we been spending per day on Iraq since we invaded it? (a country we invaded for the wrong reason.......weapons of mass destruction....remember?) I would say its close to 700 billion by now! Hell we getting told whut to do right now with the homeland security BS Bush put in Place.

                  Last i Checked, Mcain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years. Who is gonna pay for it?


                  • #24
                    Your arguments are quite distorted. I personally do not think homeland security has any negative affect on my life, granted airport security sucks but I hate flying anyways. Maybe if your doing something illegal like drugs it has had a negative impact on your livelihood. The war has cost well over 700 billion dollars. I would recommend since you are so unhappy you consider moving to Venezuela, China, or North Korea. Their always looking for individuals to back their system.
                    On to social welfare, have you ever looked at the amount that has been pumped into the system in the last ten years. Unlike the financial bailout that is a one time affair, social welfare is a continued problem that we will never stop providing for. Granted it does do good for many people, however many continue to drain the system. Our welfare system should be setup to offer incentives for those who are making strides, rather than continually paying people for no effort.
                    I just wanted to add politics can be a disturbing matter to discuss but I feel at times its necessary. I know I can come off as being rather harsh to others views but do understand that I do respect your opinion and do not mean to be rude.


                    • #25
                      dude, this aint a ONE time bailout.........shall i mention the S&L scandal with Bush's Relatives and Charles Keating back in the 1990's...........I believe that was 100 Billion dollar bailout back then. Did Obama say he was running a s socialist platform? Im trying to figure out where all this socialism with respect to Obama is comming from. Furthermore, Intrusion of personal telephone calls without a warrent is one of the "homeland" security measures that Bush forced down our throats.


                      • #26
                        Well one time bailout or not, its necessary because banks are not lending. If they dont lend we dont grow. If we do not grow or are stalled that would be called a depression. I dont know what you know about a depression but I dont their pretty. Are you really that concerned about people listening in on your phone calls? What do you have to hide?
                        On Obama, of course he hasnt came out and said he is with the socialist party. He would have never made it this far. Instead his sly tactics are being unraveled and anyone with half a brain can see he wants to nationalize everything. It will start with his proposal for Health care and then move to other areas. Just sit back and close your eyes and when they open, it will be to late.


                        • #27
                 tapping also prevented terrorist attacks...its only done on suspected terror activity and has no bearing on your life. You can blame Bush all you want for Iraq..but you`re forgetting that everyone received intelligence reports that indicated weapons of mass destruction, which I believe is in Syria...but I digress...A lot of U.S. Senators voted in favor of that war, including Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

                          The Socialist platform is as clear as day. Universal health care is a socialist idea. Its a government run program. They tell you what doctors you can see and how much treatment you receive. If you need an operation, you go on a waiting break your arm on a monday and they don`t reset breaks until Wednesday, you WAIT...when the government runs low on money, your injuries will have to wait and you go on a LIST. This is socialism. Nobama wants to *redistribute* wealth. Who in their right mind would raise taxes on business owners?? They pay over 35% in taxes and EMPLOY YOU. He wants to *give* money to the bottom feeders. I received good returns under Bush, Clinton took a lot away. This is SOCIALISM. Nobama is for big government. All you will get from his is more government hackjobs. Nobama wants to close military bases, shrink our military, and cut homeland defense spending. We did that under Clinton and PAID for it with 9/11...Say NO to SOCIALISM.


                          • #28
                            You can sum up John McCain by his own quote of less than two weeks ago:

                            "The American economy is basically sound."

                            Says more about the people who would vote for him than McCain himself. For those who get it, no explanation is necessary, for those who don't, no explanation is possible.


                            • #29
                              Well..if you knew anything about the economy, you would know its divided into many sectors. The only problem with the economy is the housing market. Apparently you haven`t taken economy 101. All other sectors of our economy are doing pretty well and very *sound*, but as a democrat, you choose to ignore that and wallow in your ignorance. The economy will cycle and the housing market will start to bloom again in a couple years. The stock market is chock full of opportunities right now, but you probably have no money to invest. Oh well...have a good day.


                              • #30
                                Usually don't get involved in the political stuff, but anyone who thinks the last eight years have been good, clearly isn't thinking straight. Bush simply has been the worst president in the last 50 or so years and possibly all time! I feel sorry for whomever gets left with the s**t storm he's caused.

