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Krichinsky (College contest)

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  • Krichinsky (College contest)

    Hey man do what you want to do, but I for one would like to see you stay in the contest. Don't let Pappa's mouth get too you. I think you are a good capper and we need guys like you in this contest. Would be nice if he ran a class contest but I promise you this will never happen. So I hope you opt to stay in and I am sure there are many that feel the way I do.. Stay in big guy and let papa rant on...... Your friend RR84

  • #2
    I second red raiders motion that you stay in the contest Krichinsky......


    • #3

      Dont give this hunk of grease the satisfaction to leave, you are a long time poster here and I for one value your opinions

      Me and Xpig have never got along, he is ignorant, ghetto, and just a complete devil type person that brings no joy ever to your world. So ignore him and come back I need you to please.

      I will be watching his conduct as he responds to players from this day forward and I will move to have Jeff remove him if need be, he is treading water with me for sure.

      Just stay


      • #4
        Ur a jealous loser Carpet. LOSERS always make the most NOISE.


        • #5
          Hey XPigpoop,

          I told you to keep your greasy slime mouth to yourself and dont talk to me. I am working hard on keeping a long time poster here with our site and you are not helping matters at all.


          • #6
            @ Carpet: Im quaking in ma boots...............LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              Means a lot that you posted this. I'm not going anywhere. Enjoy the
              comments (or most of them) and the info I get here can't be beat.
              Just won't be playing in eXlax's trailer park.


              • #8
                Well its good to know your staying here with us at Bettorsworld my friend and not to late to place your winning pick on college games (hint take Wisky)

                Remember it's not ExlaxPig paying us the money it the great site of BettorsWorld so stay in make a pick and lets win this dang thing


                • #9
                  I agree with Carpet...please reconsider


                  • #10
                    Thanks Dragon. I put on my waders and made a pick tonight.


                    • #11
                      Good boy

