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  • #31
    I am done messing with you. I am sorry if you really didnt mean what you did. As you can see I really dont like trouble makers. I think everyone should ignore things the dont like. Who made them read it anyway.
    Would you believe I am actually on vacation. I hope this doesnt happen to you buddy. This site is addicting. I love it.
    I will also say this to you agian. I will be using a 10 cent line in baseball. Its that simple. I will not do that to my loyal clients of many years and I will reap all the rewards of it if anyone moves to a 20 cent line. What better way to to promote an office anyway if what you say is true. We would get every client in the business. We would be loved for defending our clients rights and our rights to run our company any way we wish. Oh I forgot at least 3 other books will be able to use the same claims.
    Lastly I dont know where you heard that but that makes absolutely no sence to me at all.
    Why on earth would Donbest kick a book off for not changeing to a 20 cent line. Donbest makes all their money from all their loyal clients who pay that big money to see the lines. Do you think their clients will want to pay all that money to see a book using a 20 cent line? Trust me 95% of their clinets are pretty sharp. They will not.
    Lastly this has nothing to do with donbest. Dana himslef posted in this forum that he has nothing to do with the meeting and would never tell a book how to run their business.
    You seem really knowledgeable in many areas. Again this is simply why I wanted to know who you were. So if the offer still stands I would love to take you up on it. Lets let bygons be bygons. Please get in touch with me i would love to discuss these and many other things with you. I also would always respect your desire to remain unknown. You have my word written here in public on that. I hope to hear from you today.
    If not enjoy your vacation and I will never bag on you again.(unless you bag on me_lol
    Talk to you soon Lance


    • #32
      I have to take that back. I didnt see your post in hamhogs thread when I posted. As I said to your buddy DEVIL I cant believe you are on the same island , you know me, and you choose to go this route. Like I told him I will discuss this with you next time I see you, and we both know how short a discussion it will be
      Cant wait to see you Lance


      • #33
        We dont have a hurricane season down there on margarita. We are to close to the equator.
        Wait thats not 100% true we will have a hurricane when I get back.
        Take care buddy Lance


        • #34
          Old Man:

          Don't think you are talking about a legal book, but Caeser's used a nickle line in the past when their ownership was tied into the Nicks/MSG somehow.

          When I was there during this time, seems they would only take a nickel, and hated to do that - but I guess biz was slow without the NBA and they had to do something to get people into the books.

          It was that long ago that the groups had a disaterous year playing the bases and the pokers even quit before the all star break. A bonanza last year doesn't mean they'll kill 'em again - still the fear that most BM's posess is comical. For the most part, they are scared of their own shadow.



          • #35
            To anyone who has been following all this. I just got off the phone with INTHEKNOW. He is a super guy and I am sure he feels the same way about me. Ill try to help clear it up for everyone. Hopefully you will then be able to see why I

            got so upset.
            On margarita Island there are 3 sportsbooks. Besides us there is Margarita and Players. We are all americans in a strange place trying to make a living. We all get along great. We all hang out all the time. We all go to the same places and have all become really , really good friends. We would all do anything for each other at any time.
            So that is why I got so upset when I thought that Intheknow was from a margarita sportsbook. I felt I was being stabbed in the back by a friend. Of course from there I was bluffing and had my list down to 100 suspects
            (lol) Anyway to my friends on the island of Margarita who read this forum I know I have been entertaining you for a while now.
            To quote the big man and we all know who I mean IF I CAN BE NOTHING ELSE , I HOPE I AM ENTERTAINING TO YOU. So the fun is over. Unless of course Phaedrus says its not (not)
            Laslty to all you guys I actually miss that place and you guys. (and your all lucky it wasnt one of you-lol)

            P.S if anyone wants to know who INTHEKNOW is call me at 888SKYBOOK. Just kidding to everyone. He is now a friend for life and I will not ever revail that.
            Take care Lance


            • #36
              Typo -I meant reveal that


              • #37
                LANCE-you never called me back-i left a message at SYKBOOK on tuesday with a teller,talk to you soon..BRETT


                • #38
                  I left you a message in the forum. I got a call from someone i didnt know and i called back and was told i have the wrong number.
                  Please call back now and say its Brett form bettorswolrd . Ill get right back to you buddy.
                  Take care Lance


                  • #39
                    I have never posted on this forum, though I do review it regularly to keep updated on the news in the offshore industry. But I feel compelled to state some very obvious facts concerning this debate over the 20-cents issue in Baseball.

                    1. Many of the books that are going to 20-cent lines are among the most respected and honorable in the business and in conversation with some of them the past several weeks, they insist that baseball isn't working for them on a 10-cent line due to their tremendous overhead costs which are obviously more significant that an old-fashioned street book.

                    2. Several reputable books (Skybook, Casablanca, Sports Market, etc...) have indicated that they will stay with a 10-cent line no matter what, so YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE OPTION OF TAKING YOUR BUSINESS TO THEM!

                    3. There is no "conspiracy" involved here. If you don't think people in the offshore industry communicate on a regular basis then you are sadly mistaken! Some books will go along with the 20-cent idea, and some will not!

                    4. The books that go to a 20-cent line will switch back to a 10-cent line if it has a significantly adverse impact on their current business. Considering that many of them do not see net profit from baseball at this point, it's hard to imagine things getting any worse. But these guys are businessmen first and foremost, and if it hurts them, they'll switch back to a 10-cent line.

                    5. The bottom line is that there are no "bad guys" or "good guys" involved in this debate, only people in business who will make decisions that are in their best interest.

                    6. While a book has an obligation to pay you in full when you win, they have no obligation to maintain a 10-cent line for all eternity (unless they specifically promised that to you directly). If they don't make money, players have nowhere to bet!

                    7. Is this fair??? I don't know, it's not up to me, you or the sports book operators to make that determination. But it seems to me that the "free market status" of the industry will determine whether or not a 20-cent line stays in effect for the long term.

                    8. To all the conspiracy theorists out there, I have no personal stake in either side of this debate and have respect for sportsbook on both sides of the argument.

                    Mark Del Popolo


                    • #40

                      For some reason I thought SkyBook was in
                      Antigua. That puts a whole new spin
                      on my vaction plans(LOL). Is there
                      anything to do in Margarita? Who cares,
                      I'm still coming!



                      • #41
                        Lance, entertaining you definitely are. I think I can even estimate your blood alcohol level for each of your posts : ))

                        Hope you enjoy your "vacation".


                        • #42
                          MARK DEL

                          If you never posted before I really hope you do from now on. I really liked what you had to say. It was very accurate and well thought out. I for one would love to hear more from you.
                          Take care Lance


                          • #43

                            You will love your vacation here.


                            You just brought a smile to my face. Thanks. thats what I try to get out of this forum anyway. Like I always say, its educational and entertaining to me. I dont want to be involved in controversy but
                            "JUST WHEN I THINK IM OUT, THEY BRING ME BACK IN."
                            Now that was a great movie. DO you know which one the qoute is from?
                            Talk to you soon buddy Lance


                            • #44
                              Lance, thanks for the kind words. Yeah for some reason we've never spoken, but as you can tell I know a significant number of the sports book operators, though I mostly know the guys on Antigua and in Costa Rica. But I will tell you that I've heard nothing but good things about Skybook. I give you guys a lot of credit if you're keeping a dime line in baseball. With the overhead offshore, not to mention if people have sheets with you, it has to be really tough to show a profit.

                              Stay in touch,



                              • #45
                                Godfather 3, Scotty

