On top of the $70 dollars in daily prizes and $210 in weekly prizes that we offer, CaribSports.com has increased the value for all of you. They have sponsored 4 entries into the Carib Sports Handicappers Challenge which currently has a pool of $69,500 and is sure to grow before sunday. 4 entries will be given based on a drawing of players who have taken their LIFESABET.com winnings over to CaribSports.com. So you have to play and win by midnight on saturday, and move your winnings to Carib. The drawing will be held early sunday morning so that the 4 lucky LIFESABET.com winners can be informed and have a chance to play.
Thats all the important stuff we have to say. Thank you readers for your time, and thank you BettorsWorld.com for allowing us to post this here.
We have included some information that is all fluff about us and you have nothing to gain by reading any of it. Its just a statement for the record.
BAIT AND SWITCH: If you think this is a bait and switch, after saturday night you will be 100% correct. Carib's contest closes sunday at noon, after that, this post will get you nothing more than the great everyday excitement and free value that LIFESABET.com offers.
WHAT ARE WE SELLING: If you think we have something to sell, this is not the case. We are not a gaming operation and cannot offer you any real action, other than the free contests and the real money that you can win.
SHILLING?: If you think this post is a shill for LIFESABET.com then you are 100% correct. We will post under the name 'lifesabet' so there is no confusion. If any of our future employees becomes a shill, we will be the first to jump in and stop it.
PUBLIC POSTING FROM NOW ON? Dont count on it. An active operation does not have time to monitor the boards. We will acknowledge the reading of some rants, and on occasion may even respond, however it is our intentions not to air our dirty laundry in public, and will do our very best to resolve problems in the privacy of our own site.
IS EVERYONE A WINNER? Absolutely not, as more and more people play, the chances of winning will decrease. We have had many winners; most of the regular players have won on multiple occasions. There have been over 230 prizes totalling over 6k, and we plan to adjust the format to benefit as many players as possible when the site grows. We have had to strip a few prizes from players who did not play by the rules, and they may have felt that we were not being fair. Our investigations are always thorough, our decisions are always final, and this makes some folks unhappy. All in all, our decisions are based on fairness for the whole, and this gives the honest folk more of a chance to win.
NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE!: If you think this is too good to be true, you are correct again. We are certainly getting something out of your activity. In no particular order, our interests are as follows:
We might be telling the truth and acting in good faith, then again, this could all be a bunch of BS. You will have to take a chance (which doesnt cost any money) and then only time will tell!
(any of you regular lifesabet.com customers care to put in a good word for us? we would appreciate it if you simply shared your sincerest thoughts!)