Kimbo Slice Fight

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EliteXC Saturday Night Fights – CBS

May 31st, 2008 – Prudential Center – Newark, New Jersey


On May 31st EliteXC phenom Kimbo Slice will fight once again, this time on prime time network television (cbs) on the premier of EliteXC Saturday Night Fights, and yet all of the top sportsbooks are asleep at the wheel when it comes to posting odds and props for the big Kimbo Fight! Sportsbooks should be having a field day with all of the possible fun prop bets they could post on this fight. Sure, UFC 84, 85 and so on is popular. But this is Kimbo in prime time baby.

The buzz will start in a week or so and will reach a fever pitch by May 31st. Hardcore MMA fans don’t care much for Kimbo Slice, but this guy is going to put MMA fighting at the top of the charts. If he keeps winning he will create a Mike Tyson like buzz for each fight and will break box office and pay per view records should he fight one of the top MMA fighters in the world.

Back to the odds. I realize it’s the NBA playoffs and Stanley Cup playoffs but the sportsbook who creates a Super Bowl like wager menu for this next Kimbo Slice fight will hit the jackpot. You have to realize the magnitude of the event here folks. The average guy isn’t going to shell out 50 bucks or so to watch Kimbo Slice on pay per view fight some tomato can. But this upcoming fight is on FREE TV. The promotion that CBS alone will do leading up to the fight will set the buzz in motion.

We should see prop bets such as how long the fight will last? Will Kimbo ever be on the canvas? Will there be blood? Which will last longer, the national anthem or the fight? Who will land the first punch, Kimbo or James Thompson? The list goes on as far as the potential number of prop bets you can come up with for an event like this.

Drum roll please………..which sportsbooks will step up to the plate first?

As for the fight itself, don’t expect any favorable odds if you’re just looking to bet Kimbo Slice to win straight up. His opponent is a handpicked, glass jawed  punching bag that doesn’t figure to last very long. Ah yes, Kimbo Slice is being brought along very slowly so as to maximize the profits. No different than boxing. Of course if you’re looking to make a big score, you can always take a shot with the underdog. After all, Slice is untested in real MMA action. There is probably a nice Score waiting when he steps up in class to fight the real MMA contenders.

Until then, enjoy the freak show. It will take on a life of it’s own. I promise!




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