Put a 30 Year Sportsbetting Career to Work for You!
Welcome to the Bettorsworld Key Releases. Our Key Releases have been a fixture online for 30 years. Literally since the internet began.
Our Key Releases cover all sports, however there is an emphasis on College Football. Our college football picks are among the most highly sought after picks in the industry.
Why you ask?
Well, the answer should be obvious. They win!
Does every pick win? No
Is every season a wining one? No.
However, our Key Releases are what every sports bettor should strive for. Long Term Winners.
The proof is in the pudding as the saying goes. Our College Football picks have consistently won for 30 years. Some years have been simply spectacular with runs which have included going 18-1!
Just recently, 2017-2018 saw us go 43-23 for 65% winners! Over the long haul our college football plays hover around 57% to 58%. That’s no easy task and it’s a record we are very proud of.
You will not find more bang for your buck anywhere else. That’s a guarantee.
No locks, games of the year, etc. Just consistency with our approach and our results.
This year the majority of our Key Releases will be posted right on Bettorsworld free of charge along with complete write ups.
They will also appear on our Consensus Report complete with ratings and records.